• Supposedly the past, present, and future all exist simutaneously. String theory is old news, then we got "M Theory" Then theres is the hologram theory.
  • your question is now going back in time. i have to reach into the past to grab it.
  • Time dialation.Its just a theory.
  • We know how to span, to move across some dimensions.Time is merely another dimension, or so we are told. I guess the true answer is "yes", or "maybe" or "who knows". Having said that, I have frequently said prayers for the benefit of those who are no longer here. I believe that my prayers are like messages and that these messages do go back and benefit my friends when they lived. Don't ask me to prove this but I figure it won't do any harm and it makes me feel good.
  • yes with the hydron collider
  • Your answer is here: posted 18 days before you asked the question. Spooky, huh?
  • As strange as it sounds, "yes". The qualifier is it isnn't a coherent message. If you learn remote viewing, one implication is you can set up a time after a decision to intensionally influence yourself remote viewing the consequences of that decision. In my experience you feel urges and with increased proficency you get flashes of that future though there isn't usually enough context to interpret the input and get a message like the one I am typing now. Many business leaders and any other successful people have a statistically improbable edge in making the "right" decision without full information. This stuff is real but we still don't have full mastery of it at this time.
  • mabey just writing something down on paper has an affect on the past. it has an affect on the future after all. So maybe if you wrote a message and then electrically charged it some how it would become more visible in the past. like wise maybe if you electrically charged different areas of your room you could find messages from the future. The question is how do you charge the atoms, with what kind of uninvented device.
  • the past is over. no way.
  • No, it's not possible to send a message or anything back through time.
  • No. And turn off caps lock.

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