• Answering a question like this is asking for trouble... if I answer "yes" -- it's like "What do you mean!?!? Are you saying I'm fat!?!?!" And if I answer "no" -- it's like "Why didn't you tell me I don't look good in these!?!?!?!". If I'm forced to give an answer to your question, then I'd say something like this: "I think you'd look better in something else."
  • I love you and you are beautiful...and kiss her.
  • lol, that would depend on whether he wanted to be happy for the rest of the week or not. He could sing, "I like big butts and I cannot lie....." and then run real fast or take the wise road, lie (come on, you guys all do it lol) and say "No dear, your bum looks just perfect".
  • i would hope that he would say no it doesn't but if he said yes boy would he be sleeping on the couch.
  • "Have you seen my cell phone? I know I set it somewhere around here..." ALWAYS change the subject on this sort of question. It is the key to a happy marriage.
  • I would say hell yeah, then run away as fast as I can.
  • Well it depends on their relationship. You didnt say they were married, cohabitating, just friends or what. I always believe in telling the truth on things like this, because I know later, if I lied, and a friend of hers or she sees it makes her butt look as big as a $10 mule, then she'll get pissed off at me for not being honest with her and she wasted the money! I'd rather take my lumps up front than later on down the road. If she is offended, I say, "Well then don't ask me if you don't want my honest opinion." Usually they have respected that. If they haven't I go off and look in the electronics section or sit quietly, or go visit another store. That's one good reason for being single and not involved. Not a great one, but it is one anyhow.
  • I say. "I take the fifth amendment as answering this question might impinge upon my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." (Its the no win scenario).
  • If he had any clue at all he would say "no dear" us women ask loaded questions and simply want to be complimented, that is why we ask. If he says YES just go postal on him
  • i'd say yes it does look big. now get your fat ass on a treadmill and quit askin me dumb questions.
  • The only answer to this question is, "Honey, you always look fabulous to me."
  • Say, "NO, honey. You are sexy and beautiful...." then, take off whatever skirt or pants on her and make love to her. hee hee. That should relieve you from "lying" and she will get a big thrill out of all this. Hm, then maybe she will start to ask these kinds of questions regularly. Yeah, either change the subject or compliment her EVERYTIME..... 2-person game - ALWAYS COOPERATE and never defect, especially if you want to stay in this relationship for long and be HAPPY AND PEACEFUL doing so...your payoffs will be much much greater by doing so. I love game theory. :)
  • If his self preservation instincts are intact he will quickly say no. Responding quickly is key. If he hesitates he's a goner.
  • I would be honest and say it did, mind you i love shape on a woman.
  • Say "Yes, those pants are defective. I know what your bum looks like without them, and it is awesome."
  • "Sweetheart, is there some particular reason you want to pick a fight with me?" (This is what I've taught several men as a response to such a question - no matter what the answer is!)
  • I don't know what he WOULD say, but I think he SHOULD say, "Yes, I'm afraid so, that skirt creates an illusion of size." Emphasis on the word "illusion." And blaming it on the skirt/pants/whatever. I prefer my men to be honest with me and would not ask a question if I didn't want to know what he really thought.
  • well..maybe if you wanted to be honest with her about it, then break it down easy..but i think its best to say that "honey i love your bum just the way it is, and i think it looks lovely.. and mean it!!
  • Not if he's got any sense!
  • Nope....My wife knows the answer before she asks. If I tell her no, she says that I am just saying that or yes it does. I just say now " would look good in a burlap sack" (she really would!!!)
  • 'Your bum looks perfect'- dodges the question AND makes them feel good!
  • What the man would say: "No, of course not, it looks fine". What the man wanted to say: "If I say yes will I live?".
  • If you have to ask darling, than you already know the answer.
  • Say no! Cause if she ain't happy you ain't gonna be happy.
  • depends, if their bum actually is fat, and it makes it just look like it should, then i waould say 'no, you look beautiful'. If they really didn't have a fat arse and were in their house or something, I would say 'no i don't think so, but if your worried show me what else you've got'. If she couldn't change anyway, then go back to the first answer. However, i don't know if this is becasue i'm FEMALE, and known for my honestly amongst my friends anyway (it makes them believe you when you say they do look good). So it depends how cloe you are to the girl, and whether she would prefer your honestly, or just wants reasurance. I personally think it is better to try and be honest, just dress it up a bit.
  • Well, if he had any sense at all, he'd find a reason to change the subject or excuse himself.
  • "You look beutiful." (Preferably followed by a long, passionate kiss.)
  • They aren't referred to as bums anymore. The politically correct term nowadays is "homeless person"... lol
  • "Yes, but there's nothing wrong with that, trust me."
  • Honey, I have been there before, keep me out of your bum (thinking in his mine: my ex divorced me for this damn honesty). I like you just the way you are, with bum or no bum.
  • Babe you make the outfit shine. Then give her a huge hug, no matter what shape or size she is, she is yours and she so beautiful.
  • Hon, if you have to ask, you obviously think it does, and if your self-esteem is that low at this moment, and I tell you "no", you aren't going to believe me anyway, so why are you setting me up for failure? Don't ask me questions like that, I refuse to answer them. If you think your but looks fat, then do something about it. If you don't and you're happy with it, then you're happy. If you're happy, I'm happy, cause everyone knows that if Mama ain't happy, NOBODY is. This isn't made up, I have used it, and still do. It used to aggravate the heck out of my first wife, but then, she liked to argue, and I don't. It works perfectly on my current wife. I've only had to say it once. She never asked me a question like that again. It confused the hell out of her, which is exactly what the intention was.
  • "That is the sexiest butt i have ever seen"
  • "you have the most sexy bootylicious ass ive ever seen" haha...i guess that can go wrong too... i like "change the subject" hahaha thats cute or if its realy that hideous....say something liek "nah...but i dont like the funny looking pockets.." haha..i her out....but make it the garment's fault ;P
  • Be honest. He could say "I love big butts. I love you" Then he could get lucky that night.
  • i always say yes. then run!
  • It's time to skip the threat assessment and go straight for damage control. "Darlin, it's simply not big enough. You need pie. And beer. Let's go out right now and get some pie and beer and see if we can get that beautiful behind of yours to spread some more glory and grow an inch or two. It's just wonderful but there's simply not enough of it. So, let's go." Forget about never telling a lie - that's right out the window in this kind of circumstance. You have to go for any strategy that doesn't involve harming farm animals or reassembling large appliances.
  • anyone want cheese and crackers?
  • if it was my boyfriend, he'd be like, "NOT BIG ENOUGH!" and then probably maul me. it's good to have a big butt... also, if not, your jeans fit weird. :]]] they should tell her what she wants to hear if they don't plan on sleeping on the couch.
  • Just tell her what she wants to know... She already knows the answer.. Remember if she is happy then your happy.
  • He'd probably lie to her to make her feel good!
  • my husband tells me i have a fat a** all the time. i take it as a compliment.
  • I would rather her hate my honesty then to take me as a liar. If i thought they did, I would tell her.
  • In my opinion the best answer would be the pants don't suit you well. Everyone has clothes they don't look good in. It's really not a big deal.
  • My man tells me,"more cushion for the pushin" I know he likes my ass espacially in form fitting jeans
  • 'Its like two baby hippo's in a sack' ;-) or if you want to avoid a kick in the spheres - 'No, babe It's fine, trust me I'm an expert Ass critic'
  • A lie.
  • Makes your bum look nice.

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