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  • If you are talking to a married man, it means you are very very foolish.
  • He's looking for daytime lover, may be he get bored with his wife, but still love her. Be careful.
  • We all like to have friends and when youre married, some people like to be reminded theyre still attractive to others hence the reason hes talking to you. Maybe you boost his ego and he has no intention of being unfaithful. There is only one way to find out.. ask him?
  • Men and women can be friends you know. I am married, have been for almost 24 years but I have many male friends. Perhaps he is just looking for friendship.
  • No, it means you should be pursing dates with people who are available. This does not include men who are married. He can choose to do whatever he wants, and feel whatever he wants about his wife. If you only date single people, his feelings will not concern you, and you won't be accused of being a homewrecker.
  • I have worked with eleven men for the past 8 years, the majority are married and I've been divorced for 2 years. We have all become friends and they tend to confide in me. There are a couple that tend to spend more time with me and tell me more about their lives, but I don't take that to mean they are interested in me or that they are less interested in their wives. I see our relationship as friendship and nothing more. Is it possible, even if he IS bad-mouthing his wife, that he just needs someone to talk with and that he likes you as a friend? If you think there is more and you are uncomfortable with it, tell him. If you are interested in having an affair...ask him.
  • It sounds like he's deciding whether or not to cheat,or the other way around.
  • ill tell you why he wants to still talk to you its because hes a fucking pig who aint gettin enough good sex from his wife, your just a girl on the side
  • He likes you as a friend. He is attracted to you in some way, looks, manners, your personality, etc. It's just you. If he would not be married he may not even ask you out. He sounds like a friend and likes you. Don't read anything into it more than he shows. You need to have your own love life and boy friends. Categorize him as a friend and find some lovers.
  • What are you trying to say? "He likes you and doesn't want to see you....??????" I don't get it. It sounds like you're really, really confused. I don't know your situation, but if I had to say anything as a general statement it's don't bother chasing married people. It's pointless. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
  • I have female friends who I enjoy talking to, but I don't want to get into their knickers - I just enjoy our conversations and they all know that I'm in love with my wife, anyway. Just as well, because they are also in love with their respective partners. He probably enjoys talking to you and thinks that you enjoy talking to him and are sensible enough not to want to get romantically involved with a married man. Perhaps he overestimates you in that respect.
  • hm feel sorry for you, you are stupid

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