• A Child Called It - it's the story of a boy who endured the 3rd worst case of child abuse in California at the hands of his own mother. Very sad, but also very eye-opening. It is written by Dave Pelzer, the "boy" who endured this. He's a remarkable man now who rose above his horrible mother.
  • The most recent interesting biography I've read is 'Georgia O'Keefe: A Life' by Roxana Robinson.
  • Personal History, autobiography of the late Washington Post owner Katharine Graham. Reasons: 1. I read it from cover to cover :) 2. It had so many stories and lessons about marriage, parenting, friendships... 3. It tackled the Watergate scandal, an important part of US political and media history.
  • Night by Eli Wiesel, though it wasn't organized exactly as it happened.
  • Two: Malcolm X Al Capone
  • Oh ... there are so many. Jimmy Carter's memories, "Keeping Faith" held me fascinated. Billy Graham's "Just As I Am" was a great autobiography. Carl Sandburg's 3 volume set on Abraham Lincoln was a wonderful read. I read oral histories (partly first person) of L.B.J. and Truman that captured my attention. "The Saint of the Wilderness" is somewhat obscure but interesting. I could go on and on.

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