• Yes, and yes.
  • Yes, I grew up in a house with 3 sets of encyclopedia. One that I always remember being there and two that were inherited from grandparents. I bought my own first set of encyclopedias 17 years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my oldest child - she still has them and I make sure that she uses them for her school work, along with her computer and the local library. I assume that she will take them with her to college and we will need to purchase another set (several more kids you know). I have to say, it is the best purchase I couldn't afford! Also, I have dibs on the very antique sets of encyclopedias that my parents still have on the shelves in their home.
  • Funny ... I was going to just answer, "yes and yes" but it appears I was beaten to that answer; so, I do still own a more recent hardcover set of encyclopedia's. I got them for my children about three years ago. Even if we can use the computer for research, we all are in the habit of using them in an almost daily basis.
  • yes, occasionally (spell?)
  • Yes. My encyclopedias are being used at the moment underneath the TV in my bedroom to make it higher.
  • Yes, but I personally use the internet a lot more (Wikipedia FTW!)
  • yep, forgot the names, but i don't use them cause there so old!
  • Yes to both answers. I have several sets along with several dictionaries, history texts, maps, globes, atlas, Law books, theories on economics, abstracts, medical books, AP chemistry, calculas, physics and several books on quantum mechanics and string theory.
  • Two sets! I only use them if the internet is hopeless

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