• It's always good if you can find something that will ALWAYS cause the computer to freeze. Does it happen when you click on flash items in a webpage, run a certain program, run a game of some sort (graphics card), etc? Also, what OS are you using and what type of computer do you have? (Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, Linux, PC/Mac with OS9, X) Having the computer lock up and then having to hard reset it or shut it down can definitely cause issues with the file system at some point. So yeah, you should figure out what the problem is.
  • all of us have to go this once in awhile but yes this can be tough on a system if you continue to do this repeatedly. I would suggest some serious housekeeping here to see if you have a virus or spyware kicking around or if its just a matter of to much temp. files and history building up etc. or maybe to many registry errors. and since we don't know your OS or what software you are running for protection I will just offer my standard list of FREE information to look over and maybe so of it will be helpful. I also always suggest to people to reset their msconfig as spyware tends hide and also helps speed system up. (if by chance you need Vista let me know) SIMPLE STEPS TO DOWNLOADING VIRUS & SPYWARE PROTECTION (& steps for protecting PC) For XP NEWEST AVG 8.0 BOTH ANTI-VIRUS & ANTI-SPYWARE (for those running Vista you must have all updates done plus SP1 to use) AVG anti FOR SPYWARE, MALWARE, ROOTKITS Click on the right hand side of page where it says download latest version 11.84MB When next page opens watch for yellow bar at top which you may have to click to allow download to start, click and choose save to desktop. Then open from there. AVG Vcleaner-cleans 704 viruses and variants Now for your next layer of protection download the following also but remember you can only run one program at a time, but each of these will fine things the other didn’t. Spybot search & destroy found at DOWNLOAD SPYBOT SEARCH & DESTROY ONCE YOU HAVE TYPED THE YOUR SEARCH BAR IN YAHOO 1. IT WILL LOOK LIKE: SpyBot Search and Destroy (S &D) CLICK 2. CHOOSE YOUR LANGUAGE - EXAMPLE ENGLISH 3. AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE WHERE IT SAYS DOWNLOAD - CLICK 4. LOOK DOWN THE PAGE TO WHERE DOWNLOADS START, YOU NEED THE FIRST ONE IF YOU HAVE VISTA AND WORKS FOR XP AS WELL SpyBot-Search and Destroy 1.5.2 CLICK DOWNLOAD ***NOTE (For those who are looking for version 1.4 it’s the 5th one down, it does not work on Vista, but does on XP) click download 5. NEXT PAGE OPENS CHOOSE A MIRROR SITE I TEND TO USE SAFER-NETWORKING LTD CLICK DOWNLOAD HERE 6. BOX OPENS CHOOSE SAVE AND DO SO TO YOUR DESKTOP OR TO YOUR DOCUMENT FILE AND OPEN AND RUN FROM THERE FILE IS 9.27MB Superantispyware found at SUPERANTISPYWARE DOWNLOAD ONCE YOU HAVE TYPED YOUR SEARCH BAR IN YAHOO YOU WILL SEE: AntiAdware, AntiSpyware, AntiMalware CLICK 1.LOOK FOR BIG BLUE BOX ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE PAGE SAYS DOWNLOAD FREE VERSION HOME USERS - CLICK 2. NEXT PAGE SCROLL DOWN, AGAIN LOOK FOR THE BIG BLUE BOX SAYS DOWNLOAD FREE VERSION HOME USERS - CLICK 3. NEXT PAGE DOWNLOAD SHOULD START AUTOMATICALLY 5.64MB VERSION 3.9.1008 ****NOTE (if it doesn’t start at once look at the top of the page for a light yellow bar, its basically a security bar, click and choose allow, it usually has to do with Active X) If still does not open look on the page under the words Download progress: If the download does not begin shortly please (click here is in blue) Click it 4. DO SO AND A BOX OPENS, SAVE TO DESKTOP OR MY DOCUMENTS, OPEN AND RUN FROM THERE And finally go to this web site for this program to clean up your internet history, cookies, browser history, recycle bin, IE Explorer, etc all the boxes can be preset and basically in 4 steps you can clean computer. It does so well that disc clean usually only will find 32-100MB after its done go to the freeware section, look for Internet Cleanup, then look for the software called IE Privacy Keeper IE PRIVACY KEEPER DOWNLOAD WHEN YOU TYPE IN YOUR YAHOO OR GOOGLE SEARCH BOX THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL SEE WHEN IT OPENS Snapfiles - software reviews, download freeware and trial programs - CLICK 1. WHEN THE PAGE OPENS LOOK FOR A TAB AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE THAT SAYS FREEWARE - CLICK 2. WHEN PAGE OPENS SCROLL DOWN AND FIND INTERNET CLEANUP TOOLS - CLICK 3. WHEN PAGE OPENS SCROLL DOWN TILL YOU SEE THE PROGRAM SHOULD BE LIKE ABOUT THE 14TH ONE DOWN - CLICK THE BLUE DOWNLOAD BUTTON FILE SIZE IS 1128kb 4. NEXT PAGE OPENS IF DOWNLOAD DOESN’T START LOOK FOR A LIGHT YELLOW BAR AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE, CLICK THE OPTION TO ALLOW TO OPEN, USUALLY HAS TO DO WITH ACTIVE X ***NOTE If for some reason still doesn’t start click the blue words click here they are in the middle of the page in tan box. 5. WHEN THE BOX OPENS SAVE TO DESKTOP OR MY DOCUMENTS, OPEN AND RUN FROM THERE. Last but not least do Defrag at least 2-4 times in a row even if program says not needed, as XP Defrag program isn’t the best and needs to be run more often. GLARYULITILIES DOWNLOAD GO TO 1. WHEN PAGE OPENS , LOOK AT THE TOP OF PAGE WHERE IT SAYS DOWNLOADS CLICK 2. NOW TYPE IN THE SEARCH (blue) BOX - REGISTRY REPAIR PROGRAMS - CLICK AND GO 3. LIST WILL OPEN, SELECT THE HALF WAY DOWN PAGE WITH GREEN ARROW - GLARY REGISTRY REPAIR (ITS FREE) CLICK IT 4.. NEXT PAGE, YOU WILL SEE A RED ARROW AND DOWNLOAD NOW IN BLUE WORDS - CLICK 1.30MB 5.. NEXT PAGE BLUE BOX DOWNLOAD FREE REGISTRY REPAIR NOW- YOU CAN CLICK HERE BUT REAL SLOW (works on 98, XP, ME, 2000, 2003, Vista) just not 64 bit supported 6.. For a faster download click where it says - mirror here 7.. NEXT PAGE IF IT DOES NOT START IN 5 SEC LOOK FOR A SECURITY BAR, WHICH IS LIGHT YELLOW AT TOP OF PAGE, CLICK THE OPTION TO ALLOW IF FOR SOME REASON IT STILL DOESN’T USE THIS OPTION: LOOK FOR THE LINE THAT READS CLICK HERE IF IT DOES NOT 8.. BOX OPENS SAVE TO DESKTOP OR TO MY DOCUMENTS AND OPEN AND RUN FROM THERE or to and to their freeware section to find other software also. (can only run one virus program at a time on a PC but you may have as many spyware programs as you wish as long as you run only one at a time, and only one firewall) A GREAT FREE ONE IS ZONE ALARM FOUND AT under the freeware section, personal firewalls. Another little great tool for you is go to Google or Yahoo : One of the best pieces of FREE software there is today that will show you what is on your computer is known as: Belarc once it is downloaded you simply run and time you wish to see what is installed on your PC, from OS to Model, hardware, software, hot fix’s and the Keys to software on PC. This makes it a valuable program in that you can run it every so often and print off and save for you keys if for no other reason. *** Note: It is wise to only run one virus program at a one time but run as many spyware as you like, only run them one at a time, other wise they will conflict with each other, it is good to have more than one as each will find some thing the other did not. Unistall any other program as they may conflict such as Norton,MacAfee etc. The only one this list that runs in safemode F8 is AVG anti-spyware, which does work great in safemode. Also wise thing to do is to run the virus & spyware program once without internet connection and then again with internet, as some times the virus will try to block program other wise when internet is running. This list has been drawn up by me and designed by me and is not copyed from anywhere as it has been suggested, please feel free to use as much as you like, and I hope it helps in some way. G_tech XP MSCONFIG (RESETTING START UP ORDER) 1. START 2. RUN 3.TYPE IN - msconfig 4. WHEN THE BOX COMES UP CLICK THE START UP TAB 5. THESE ARE THE PROGRAM THAT ARE ALL TRYING TO OPEN WHEN PC FIRST COMES ON 6. YOU WILL SEE A LOT OF ITEMS WITH BOXES WITH CHECK MARKS IN THEM, IN GENERAL THE ONLY ONES YOU NEED ARE: THE ONES FOR VIRUS & SPYWARE PROGRAMS SUCH AS AVG, SPYBOT ETC. *** If this a laptop turn a few items at a time off, you have to be a little more careful as you need touchpad, monitor etc. by default xp will not let you turn off any thing that will harm PC, it will come right back on. 7. CLICK APPLY AND OK AND THEN COMPUTER WILL REBOOT AND A MESSAGE WILL TELL ABOUT THE FACT YOU HAVE RESET MSCONFIG, JUST PUT CHECK MARK IN THE BOX AND CLICK OK AND YOUR DONE. THIS WILL SPEED UP HOW FAST YOUR COMPUTER BOOTS UP! **** If for some reason there’s a problem and you need to turn ever thing back on just go back to run- msconfig- startup-enable all- apply and ok System will reboot and see#7above and your back to normal. ^^^^ If you see a box with a check mark in it but basically a blank area following where it should tell you name of software (this is spy ware) uncheck box and remove with other item in #6.
  • mine does it too, i find it annoying, wish i knew why

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