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we can't have sex for another 5 weeks because i just had a hysterectomy a week ago and the OBGYN said 6 weeks till i can resume my sexual activities. I'm lucky though that my spouse is understanding and we're managing. It's just me that will probably become cranky though in a few days as I can't get anything and there's still other things I can do for my man that don't involve intercourse.
If I had any I would talk about them to her and not with others I don't know personally and definately NOT in a public forum, whether or not anybody actually knew who I was. . I would think it a kind of betrayal otherwise. . No offense, mizuiislife or anyone else reading this. . But you could get some interesting insights into how other people think! :)
496 miles :-(
Their lack of existence.
(deep sigh) He is sooo far away. It kills sometimes.
We disagree on how to discipline children. I make it a point to win, as I believe that much damage can be done when not handled with appropriate sensitivity.
I need to get away from the house, a small vacation, he's too busy working and won't take the time, ugh. I want to go where the ocean is warm, not North Atlantic type because we leave nearer to it,It's so cold it hurts!
None..we have no issues. That's why we've been together since September 1, 1997 (but who keeps track?). We get along beautifully. We sometimes disagree..we discuss things..we talk things over. But issues? Naw, not one! :)
None at all.
I've been really sick and not able to help out much with the house. My sweet husband has been wonderful, but I want to make it up to him. I still can't believe what an amazing man he is. I am so luck to have him.
she does not like how I discipline our son, she thinks he should not experience pain, I think if a punnishment is not unpleasant it will not work.
lack of one.
Well, the chick I was really keen on asking out (and she was keen on me) now has a boyfriend who lives in another country, which is bloody stupid if you ask me
no communication whatsoever no affection whatsoever no understanding whatsoever. Oh yeah that's right she's been dead over 3 years .
We are getting along pretty well at the moment, next week? Who knows?
None at this time.We usually take care of things as they happen.
I want him to take it easy and not rush going back to work after his injury but he is concerned, and rightly so, about finances and feel she needs to go back. I'm worried he'll re0injure the area and be worse:-(
None. We don't seem to have any, although that could change as time goes on.
None at all. It's one of the luxuries of being single.
the cost of batteries
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