• I can't comment on all of his stands on all of these issues, but Governor Schwarzenegger has been pretty out spoken on the issue of stopping the flow of ILLEGAL* immigrants into this country. He is also, if I remember correctly pro choice, anti gun control, and in favor of lowering taxes. I don't know where he has come down on the issue of gay marriage. This is basically what I remember from the year I was living in California, when I chose to vote for him. I don't agree with a number of the stands that he has taken. Especially on social issues. (Personally, I would have preferred Tom McClintock, but I, like so many other conservatives just did not think that he had a chance of winning in California. So, we considered Arnold a better choice than any of the other candidates.) If you want to know where Schwazenegger stands on the issues, might I suggest that you check out his official campaign site ( *Note the emphasis on the word illegal. I get so tired of those who want to do nothing to stop the flood of illegal immigrants into this nation saying that those who do are against immigration. It is only the really rabid racists (the neo-nazis, KKK, etc.) that are saying that. The vast majority of those that are against illegal immigration have nothing against those who go through the process to come here legally. It is the willful violation of US law and sovereignty that upsets us.
  • Lately - he has been defending illegals and saying they have minimal, insignificant impact on California's economic problems - so wrong. Abortion is a federal issue. On the other topics you mention, he seems to go wherever the political winds blow him. Re taxes - his campaign promises included no new taxes. He tried a few things that didn't work because he couldn't get cooperation from the Congress - then he tried to pass all kinds of new taxes &increase existing taxes. Some passed. Some were defeated by proposition. He is very unpopular among the voters in CA right now.

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