• Actors are in the limelight,and feel they have a better chance of voicing our own views through them.They act as our spokesmen.
  • I think this applies to anyone who has "celebrity". Do any of them feel we care about sides of them other than whatever they have celebrity for? Well, we buy the magazines and watch the tv coverage! lol Think of celebrities though: acting, sports, politics, writers, musicians and corporate giants. Shoot, could be criminals! Or, some "regular Joe" who did something extraordinary & winds up in the news. With "celebrity", I think there's a certain amount of power. Is a thing more or less true if a celeb vs a regular person living next door says it? No. But it could be. lol Ultimately "we" are the judge. If honest, I "do" decide "weight" of personal views of celebrities, including actors .. based on some "image" I guess I've managed to assemble. If I see an actor in and out of jail vs one who is out fundraising and helping folks, I make judgements .. even though I really don't have a clue what either is like on their home front and if they're kind to their pets or not! lol But hey - we all have a right to get our views "out there" - celebrities included. So, no worries on that front. I'd do it! Shoot, with the Web coming along .. lots of us get our voices out there now. Don't think the fact that they are "actors" is any more a true/untrue test than your average Joe that we have to interact with over time .. see if actions match up to words .. and make our own individual (vs group) trust judgements about.
  • They are actors. But people tend to think they are some sort of authority. Bunch of bull shit.
  • I don't know if actors feel we care, but the journalists that ASK them to express their views must certainly think we do...
  • Personally, any actor, actress or 'otherwise' celebrity who expresses their political opinion loses my money...if I know your political view, I will no longer give you any of my money. I will not pay a theater to see your movie, I will not rent your movie. I do not have the 'privilege' to express my opinion in my job and you shouldn't either. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK...YOU were hired to ACT. SHUT UP! Thanks, Tricia

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