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  • It doesn't, and some schools of thought think that this may be also the reason why a female swimmer may be more liable to shark attack than a male swimmer, due to the sharks keen sense for detecting trace amounts of blood in water
  • no,it doesn't stop in the water,and the above answer is true.i think that being sumerged in water may put presure on your pelvic area and cause your period to be very light,even to the point of thinking it has stopped but you are still menstrating.
  • Menstruation doesn't really stop when a woman is in the water, but cold water does cause the muscles around that area to contract, and therefore, less blood can get out. You can demonstrate this by right before you get out of the shower, turn on the cold water and let it run on your lower abdomen, etc. When you get out, it will take about 10 minutes or so for your period to get back to its normal flow. Also, if she is in a pool, etc. some of the blood is washed away so you can't see it, but it's still there.

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