• I'm glad he won instead of that Faryll lass, there was no way she was 12 and she was boring. I liked Signature though so would have liked to see them win it
  • yes i am, i would have liked the girl to have one aswell but not the "oh i get bullied because i like singing, just so you know" boy
  • i wanted george to win.or signature.wanted someone other than a singer to win.gotta agree that no way was that faryl only 12.don't you hate it when they start with the sob stories to get the sympathy i'm doing it for my kids,dead mom/dad,or somthing similar.what about the ones who haven't got a dead relative and they are all doing it to help their sob stories allowed.pisses me off.
  • I screamed with sheer joy at the telly when his name was announced. Never has there been such a deserving winner.He put in the time and hard work and got there under his own steam. Well done for such a young boy to show that amount of determination. I would say that 'the choir boy' was not miserable just really nervous,scared and very akward on stage. He has an amazing voice which sent a chill down my spine when he sang last night. I was mesmerised by his performance. Two very different but very talented performances.

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