• Parents spoil and don't discipline their kids, who grow into disrespectful teens.
  • I think one need only look to their parents. It seems any time I've come across a teen like that, they have parents who are the same, and didn't teach them any different. No discipline, no respect.
  • Its a genaration thing. My parerents, parents were had on them. My Parents eased up on me a little bit but I still go punished. Know there parents are giving them alot of slackk and do not punish them when thy do wrong, because theu want to be a friend no a parent.
  • It all starts at home. What they are taught or not taught, is carried right into the public and the classroom. Many children are products of drug-addicted parents. This has to have some bearing on their behavior.
  • As for the children, children learn what they live. As for the parents, you teach people how to treat you.
  • Because they are not disciplined enough when younger, as adults are frightened of being arrested these days for doing so causing a shift of power from adult to child. Hence, lack of respect for adult or authority and knowing a politically correct society will protect them whatever they do and a weak law wont punish them either. Also, these teens have become adults and are passing there traits onto their children so the cycle continues and gets worse.
  • Lack of good examples....parenting.
  • its what they learn from there parents. i been reading a lot of books that are old true stories and its very common back in the 70s for drug users and 'yobs' altho thats not what they called them, in older generations when you get married you have to stay in that marrage no matter what, so there was a lot of unspoke abuse which there children would pick up and would belive its ok to hit your wife and be involved in fights. not all 'yobs' saw violence in there childhood but they may be friends with people that has, so they follow suit, even if they know its wrong, its all about fitting it, ive learnt a lot of things from this book about the terrible ordeals people go through and how they turn out, and even how there kids turn out, its so sad :(
  • Because their parents are very disrespectful and the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree! :)
  • Because there are so many disrespectful adults leading by example.
  • Oompa Loompa doompadee doo I've got another puzzle for you Oompa Loompa doompadah dee If you are wise you will listen to me Who do you blame when your kid is a brat Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat? Blaming the kids is a lion of shame You know exactly who's to blame: THE MOTHER AND THE FATHER! Oompa Loompa doompadee dah If you're not spoiled then you will go far You will live in happiness too Like the Oompa Loompa doompadee do (Caps emphasis mine...)
  • In internet chat they do seem to think they're playing a video game. I never approach them.
  • We know we aren't going to get disciplined physically anyway, so what is there to lose? Authority can't lay a hand on us, and if they do, we can charge them with assault. (I'm not that disrespectful, am I?) Seriously, though, ... I think the beginning of my answer is true of the attitude that many modern teenagers have.
  • Lack of proper parenting. People are too lax these days...parents don't know how to discipline children and therefore the children have no respect.
  • because people are not raising them. They are afraid of giving them a good smack now and then
  • Because most parents don't teach their children proper respect anymore.
  • cause adults are now afraid cause there children are threatning them with dcf and theywont hit there children but what i would do is groundd them for 1week at a time and make them elearn ther3e lesson or just tell them to call here ull dial the number and smack the shit outta them and give them a reason ato call
  • because their parents didn't raise them right. My Chemical Romance was asked this question, and they said the same thing.
  • Now i think were picking on the teens a bit here I must admit that most do not get a good reputation but those that are good never get noticed and so all are labbled wrongly. As the saying goes "one rotten apple spoils the barrel" there are plenty doing charity work trying to raise money for good causes not drinking underage etc that slip under the radar. i dont think I am to bad as my father is rather racist my friends homophobic and some disrespectfull? Yes, but i im alway willing to here other peolples opinions so long as they are at least willing to listen to me. Also most of my friends are constantly raising money, looking after younger sibblings and trying to help other and people in world. such as my english teachers sighn said "catch them being good" apologies for spelling mild dislexia
  • Because a lot of them have had the respect beaten out of them, whether by parents or by anyone else, and anger has replaced it. Then there are those who are chemically imbalanced. Then there are those who come from parents who are disrespectful. Maybe a few of them come from not being disciplined, but let me be clear on what discipline is. It is not beating (spanking as those who are child abusers in denial call it). It is merely correcting behavior, which can be done without laying a finger on them. Hitting children only creates aggressive teens and adults.
  • Parents plain ole dont care!
  • Why are there so many judgemental adults? There are always teens who are disrespectful and teens who are polite. There always will be. Maybe you should get involved in a teen leadership group and spend time helping teens who are making a difference in the world instead of going online to judge them as if they are all the same.
  • Because society is mixing child abuse with disciple. A good old fashioned smack on the bum never killed a child. Allot of teenagers over rate their rights forgetting that as parents we have rights to and don't have to put up with their abusive behaviour.
  • Im sorry but i raised 2 boys by myself and I feel I did a pretty good job they are 20 and 22 now and if i ever heard or heard of them being disrepectfull to ANYONE it was on and i held nothin back I didnt use "time out" or "get on their level and talk to them" i told them i would not stand for it.PERIOD! one of my sons is in the military and a few months ago we were in a restaraut and he was in his uniform and a women walked up and thanked him for serving his country and my son looked the women in the eye put out his hand shook it and said "your welcome MAME" i almost cried because that was not something the military taught him I DID THAT AT HOME WHEN HE WAS YOUNG.
  • I'm a Teen myself, and even i agree with you, Teens nowadays are so disrespectful about everything from other peoples property right to their own parents, they dont appreciate anything that is given to them, now i might be a teenager myself, i live with just my mother and wouldnt ever disrespect my mother, i cherish everything in life, but overall it is the parents, if the parents set boundaries and rules from the start then the kids wouldnt grow up thinking that they can do anything that they please.
  • there are a number of factors. most likely the parents have not set a good example. i was born and raised here in this country. however, i had to live in mexico for a while with my grandmother and aunt. when i arrived in this country at the age of seven, people were amazed that i would greet them formally and with a handshake. i remember getting stares as if i was from another planet. this was back in 1961. how much more different is the world today! kids rarely acknowledge their elders if at all. again it is the lack of parental training. also, the environment a child is surrounded by. the modern peer pressure is also at fault.
  • it depends on the enviroment that we grow up in (im only 14. i dont think im disrespectful though, but i have my moments.) Parents play a big part. if not parents, the siblings or other family. Tv could do it. a number of things. the list goes on.
  • perhaps because there are so many disrespectful adults :)
  • Too many adults want to be their children's friends to the exclusion of any discipline.
  • I would say because there aren't enough respectful parents raising their children.
  • We're at the age where we want to be independent, so we feel the need to rebel to find our own solutions. We don't mean to be disrespectful, per say, we just try to find the right way that will satisfy our wants because at this age, most of us think solely about ourselves. We don't intentionally try to be disrespectful, we just like to have our way.
  • I am a full time stepmother of a 16 year old boy, who has lived with us since he was 11. He is extremely disrespectful to all adults and especially us. We have been drilling into him respectful manners ever since he moved here and have strict consequences for every time he disrespects us. It's been 5 years and we are still battling this every single day. He just got being grounded for a month and half. It started out as only 1 week and got a day added for every time he yelled at us and felt the need to try and tell us off. We also take away all electronics, etc. We have even have a reward system in place, but he doesn't really care. He says he doesn't think before he speaks and is sorry after he has gone off at us. So... I absolutely disagree that it always the parents who caused their kids to be disrespectful. He constantly reminds us that his friends are allowed to speak to their parents this way and that we are way too strict and that's why he's so bad. So..I honestly believe that his friends can be an influence on this attitude. Someday's it becomes very exhausting, but his father and I have to hold our grounds.

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