• Cutting what?
  • Bout cutting yourself
  • I don't know why anyone would joke about that. although I don't know why anyone would want to cut them self either. I think The cutter and the joker need serious help. FAST
  • becouse thay dont understand why people do it it is due to unhappy feelings and copeing with them but same peopel can not cope so due to this thay selfharm which helps but yet others do not understand this so thay think you studped or weird even nuts but what do thay know thay have not lived the live of the self harmer have thay it is a condition which is one part of depression.
  • sometimes ppl laugh at almost anything they don't truely understand. The authenticity of why ppl do the things they do.
  • Because people like to poke fun at other people's pain, apparantly. But also because people like to make fun of way some cutters act in general. Not to be offensive, hope that made sense.
  • its a serious subject so people like to lighten things up with laughter :-) it helps sometimes.
  • i think that one of the reasons that people make jokes about it is that they do not understand why people do it. i have found that when people are uncomfortable about something they crack jokes.
  • because the reality of it is too awful to take seriously. we often make fun of things that frighten us. we joke about death all the time.
  • becouse there ig-grant to it as thay dont understand.
  • sometimes because they dont understand, and sometimes because they are uncomfortable with the reality, or they do it themselves and dont want others to kno, sometimes even just to "be cool" personally it pisses me off
  • Some people are afraid of us, they think we are all nutters, there for they make pathetic lame jokes to make there selfs feel big and brave!
  • cos theyre sick and they blatently dont understand. theyre not worth listening to if all theyre gonna do is bring you down.
  • Because they're insensitive monsters. But people that go around showing off their cuts for attention don't help the matter.
  • It scares them to think others would do such a thing to themselves,or maybe they are in awe of the cutter for having the nerve to do it,either way,they are insecure about talking about it.
  • they don't understand us and a lot of people joke about things that they don't quite understand
  • Personally, I don't understand the concept of "cutting." If one is UPSET--why resort to something that would cause pain? Doesn't PAIN also cause one to become upset? It would be the same as: Having a HEADACHE--then resort to bashing one's head with a HAMMER!!! SMH
  • I understand the sense that when i am upset I want to tear my own hair out.....But i don't b/c i know that's a bad idea...i thinnk people make fun of it b/c you are making bad desicions and then a lot of you want attention for these bad decisions....then when you get unwanted attention we are insensitive???? I don't get it
  • We make jokes about dying. When it comes to humor, nothing is sacred.

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