• well it more just helps relieve pain, and it dose this by slowing and lessening the amount of blood that is pumped around your ankle. A lot of the pain is caused by blood being pumped around the swollen part, so the less blood flowing around there the less pain.
  • it reduces the swelling of it. if youre icing for pain relief, its been most effective to ice for ten mins, then no ice for ten mins. and alternate between those two for 2 hours.
  • Just remember this - R.I.C.E. R - Rest the injury as much as possible I - Ice right after and every 2 hours for 20 min. for the first 12 hours, then every 4-6 hours for the next 48 hours. C - Compressions around the area, not on it. E - Elevation (above heart) of the injury to reduce inflamation.

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