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  • With a fair bit of tact, diplomacy and *brevity* - you can't predict how they're going to react...
  • If you trust somebody that little I would have thought that hurting their feelings wouldn't need to be a consideration. I would want as much distance between us as possible.
  • Don't know how long you've been around this individual; however, if it's been any time at all; i'm certain you would have indicated by now that you put very little faith in anything they say. actions speak louder than words sometimes, so you might not have to say 1 word, just let your actions spell it out for you. it could preserve what is left in or of the relationship. however, if you want to make it very clear because they are confiding in you or trusting you're hanging on every word they tell you. just be "honest" something they are not. just tell them that you would like to believe in what they're telling you but from pass incidences you somehow can't bring yourself to believe anything they tell you. (please make it based on something you've experienced first hand, not a hearsay issue). * something where you have caught them in a lie before.** however, if this person means nothing to you, it's called distance, keep away because you know the saying, birds of a feather flock together. don't let the bad habit rub off on you.

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