• In terms of marketing outside of the books themselves, the current nod goes to Marvel. DC has sat on its Superman/Batman dynasty too long and ignored its deep reserves of characters and stories. There is a Watchman movie in the making and that should help nudge DC to develop more of its property into movies or even limited-run TV shows. Marvel has finally gotten out of its 25 year movie slump (Remember the Captain America movie (1990) or the incredibly awful TV series (1979)? As bad as those were, the original Fantastic Four movie was even worse. It was screened several times for test audiences back around 1993 and the studio could not fix it no matter how they tried. It was canned and never released.) with a string of good movies that do not offend the fan boys too much while drawing in people who know nothing about the comics the movies came from.
  • If you're looking at quality and history- Yes. I personally love both companies at different points and for different things. Both have had amazing stories and great art, and both have had art that my nine-month old son can do better than, and probably write a better story, too. . If you're looking to choose one over the other, I would personally go DC, simply because of the longer history, but that's a personal preference that honestly changes day-to-day. And I work part time in a comic shop, so I know my stuff pretty well!
  • That's like asking me to pick my favorite unborn child?
  • I would say marvel is better.
  • When I was in school, many moons ago, I would have said DC. Now, I would not choose. Marvel is probably better as an investment for resale value, I believe (buy two, keep one pristine in non-acid plastic bag made for comics, the other in decent readable shape, in plastic when not reading.) DC, though, probably has its own collectors. Handle those purchases the same way. In either case, you probably need a batch of them IN ORDER, preferably telling a popular story - the whole story line or the superhero, at least for maximum value. You may also collect them based on the writers and/or artists. Search the web or talk to a comic-book shop owner for the most popular or best-known, and the best investments. My ex-nephew-in-law has a whole ROOM full of comics of ALL types, stored in special comic-book boxes, most all read at least once, and many, he's bought at least two of, to keep one pristine. Sorry... Not sure if you wanted to know MY favorite (see first paragraph), or info about which is best and how to collect. ;-)

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