Not at all, it is rather wordy after all.
Funny you should ask. I picked my nickname because it was significant to me in a movie, but it never crossed my mind that people would start calling me 60. I'm 24. lol.
I hope not. I do that all the time.
i do not mind at all.
No, in fact, I did it myself. I used to be idntnoevythng. It was too long so I made it idne.
No. People misspell it AND shorten it. I don't mind.
I mind. That's how come I picked this nice short name, "Talim." You can't really shorten that too much....'less you wanna call me "T."
I hope not! I have special names for all my friends :P
In my previous account, most people abbreviated it "SB", now I see a lot of "BY". No problem... the only thing that slightly bugs me is when someone calls me "Brandy", not noticing the space before the Y.
Nope, you can call me Sis if you want to.
I don't know...what can they shorten it to? Dras? Dra? D?
I don't mind. Sheryl, SS, M&M, Hey you, Shop
I don't care. I think it's funny when people call me aphro.
It doesn't bother me a bit. I prefer just Kitt anyway. It actually kinda bugs me when people type out peoples ENTIRE name!
I do not mind "T-S" ...
No, but mine is pretty short already.
Hmmm.....Sweet or T, okay, fine with me.
I shorten mine sometimes. My official name is Someguy, but people who know me call me SG. I use that when I need to modify my nickname.
Chanda is fine. CD is fine. ChandaD is fine. Sexy mama is fine. lol I don't mind. It happens to me irl, why not here?
I keep my preferred name separate from the rest of my nick so that people can have an easily identifiable name to call me. However, I don't mind if someone calls me Bri, B, Brianus, Brialicious, Briamorph, BRItney, or Britastic. :p
I don't mind it at all, as long as it's not something so random I have no idea who you are referring to.
I don't mind, I wouldn't want anyone spelling out the whole thing every time they referred to me. John JTP Whatever the else you can think of.
Not really, though I'd prefer it not be "BIG" only! ;-) (Heard THAT all my life!)
Some on here call me Sym. Doesn't bother me one bit either way. Shortening one's name is a lack of formal respect; which is good, because it means the people who do it are comfortable enough around you. :)
Not at all, but I am all that my name shortens to be, I suppose!
Nah. I don't mind at all. Anyway, everybody in real life calls me Meg. Because it's my name. Duh. Actually, it's Meghan, but the spelling (Meghan with an H, people!!!) gets butchered so often it's just easier to go by Meg.
I don't mind at all. I usually get called "red." But I've also been called RC and Reddie as well. "Red" is simple enough for me. I guess I actually don't care for "Reddie" anymore because that's what my ex used to call me.
No, I don't mind. I guess if they want to write Gal or Gale, that's fine. We had a dog named Galeanda and we called her Gale for short.
I'm not bothered :) People can make it shorter, if they like. Or longer. Mine is easily changed. Yep.
Mostly people call me Fun. If they do not know me well they use my full name. I do however hate when I they make it an acronym... for example today my name is Fun Mayor of Bitchtown... I don't like FMOBT... ew.
No, i dont mind either way what people call me.. usually its MM or Mum!
Just Derek. Or Mr. DuCote.
Don't matter all that much to me, I like Jack, Cap'n, even CJS in a pinch.
I don't mind, I'd rather have that than name calling. People usually call me Troll (first letter is capitalized) or TT.
They usually call me FW. I prefer Faerie though. But it doesn't matter.
You can call me whatever you like, just don't call me late for dinner.
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