• Genetics.
  • You're lucky. Enjoy being.
  • Another person was already someone else. You were meant to be you, just like I was meant to be me. Be glad you're you:)
  • All the other people were already taken.
  • You weren't born yourself, you were born someone with the potential to become yourself as you are today. The state you were in when you were born comes down to the chance meeting and mating of your mother and father, but the things that really make you who you are now are more the product of what you've experienced in your life *Since* your birth.
  • No one knows dogshit about how to answer such a question. I've been a philosopher all my life and still cannot answer such mysteries. There are times when I curse my parents for bringing me to life, because now I must survive, get old, and wait to die. And everyone thinks all this bullshit is so exciting ? I think people are idiots and watch too much multimedia. We are caught up in a world of slick wordy phrases and cliche thoughts. Honestly ? There is nothing in this life that excites me ; NOTHING. Man is a most disgusting and jealous creature, a blood-lusting barbarian. I am not proud to be part of this species. Might've been better off being a bacteria or maybe not being born at all, cause this world sucks. But we are here, and as Jim Morrison's Biography is titled . . . "No One Here Gets Out Alive."
  • Who else would've been born as the person you call 'you'. You had to be *someone* with an identity, or you could not exist in society. Just ask yourself 'Why Not'?
  • Who you are is all you can be. Make the most of it.

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