I wouldnt.
umm that would be a huge NO.
Only if I became a Republican.
who the hell would???
Yes, I am desperate and you, my dear, are coo coo. :) Seriously, I doubt I'd have very much in common with a person like that, so there would be no point in our dating.
as long as you had matching hoods and got hitched beside that burning cross, why not. dont forget the matching swastika tatoos to show your love.
Only if I were into knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.
If I wasn't already dating someone else...
Since Im a man, it would be a woman, and I could live with all that she likes/dislikes, but I don't like women in the military. lol
time to see if i can apply for charter gay status
Not only would I not date them but I would not too much like them.
Their job has little baring in my opinion. I diagree very much with the other listed traits so no, i would not.
he lost me at the first sentence. "i don't like gay people." sorry many of my friends are gay, i've known them before we even knew what gay was as a little kid, and i have a problem with him not liking them for the sole fact that they're gay. nope now as far as the other stuff i don't care about guns one way or the other but i do believe in welfare - when it's not being taken advantage of and i have no problem w somebody in the military when they stand up for their country - though i disagree with the war right now.
No, I don't have anything against gay people, they have to answer for their actions to God, not me. Guns have their proper place, I doubt they should be loved. Some people fall into hard times and need welfare through no fault of their own. I don't believe in taking up arms against others and would never be in the military. Okay Fun, four strikes, would be OUT for me.
If you get to know him as a person, then decide, not just on one comment. You seem to be trying to let other people make a decision for you based on one comment, and making this guy out to be a bad person. You are the bad one here, If you are serous about finding someone to date, you need more to go on than one comment. and if you don't want to date him, that is your decision. none of us can make a decision based on the info you gave. how do we know that you are better than him, and that you can get any better than him? (EDIT) sorry, I was a bit harsh, it is just that I have been put into the not liking gays group too many times because I am a Christian. My thoughts about homosexuality has no bearing on who I want to date, unless I am a closet gay, and I am not. and as far as welfare any able bodied person should work, and welfare should be only as a last resort.
Not a chance. I don't care how attractive they are, or how nice other aspects of their personality are. The disliking of gay people pretty much seals their fate with (or should I say without) me.
I can't imagine what we'd talk about.
I don't like her phrasings- if she (since I only would date she's!) said that outright, early on in a first date, it probably wouldn't go much further. The opinions in themselves wouldn't bother me overly much- again, depending on how they appeared. I do believe homosexuality is a sin- but that I don't like gay people? I am friends with two different gay people. Do they do something wrong? Yes. I also do many wrong things, though. To be a "gun nut" in itself isn't wrong, IMO. I'm on state support for medical help, since I'm still a student. If it weren't for that, I would end up in a dead-end job, rather than training for the ministry. So, while it irks me, I could date a person who believed that- at least for a bit. Being in the military doesn't bother me!
My wife would prefer I didn't date, but if this was a girl she sounds just fine to me.
Why WOULDN'T you date this person? And if it's a chick saying this ... ... well ... that would be really HOT! (But don't think I'd be interested in a real relationship with a gal in the military.)
Yes. Sounds like a sensible person.
I have no problems with those who have likes and dislikes different from mine. But I don't want to spend a lot of time with them. I have no trouble with gays and don't enjoy those who spend their time "gay bashing". I have not problems with guns, think everybody should have one. Welfare is a necessity in any civilized state, as far as I am concerned. As for being in the military, aside from making your date potentially unavailable, that shoudl pose no problem, even given the military is an all-volunteer organization. The overall description turns me off but the specifics might be tolerated if the person had an otherwise acceptable personality, a decent education and an optimistic view of life. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like it.
No...because of the gay prejudice.
When i was in the Navy, i spent a lot of hours in the gym. Because of this gays automatically thought i was gay and i had plenty of gays hit on me, and one even grabbed my dick. I think any straight person would learn to hate gays because of this. And welfare only supports LAZY people who don't want to work. And guns are cool to. So yes, if this person was a girl, i'd date her.
against gay against poverty and pro military well the differences between me and you I don't like gay people but I don't hate em I like to help poor people and I don't discriminate their poverty I been in the military for 527 days I have a good time with friends but I don't like the fanatic so I guess I will never date a person like you sorry!!!
After the mention of not liking gay people, I'd have to go with no.
Who cares about those types of opinions honestly? If the person treated me well, i wouldnt care what their views are. I am a female and have a gun, and i don't mind people in the military. I think welfare is fine, but screw the people that take advantage of the system and take money from those who really need it. And people who freak out about gays, get over it. Are they really bothering you that bad? Oh, you don't want to see it? TURN YOUR HEAD.
Wouldn't bother me abit. He's upfront with what he believes in, and I can't find fault with someone who honestly speaks his own opinion. What would seal the how he treated people he didn't care for. You don't have to approve of someone's lifestyle, but you do have to respect them as a person. Why would I care if he loves guns? Fine. He's in the military? So? He doesn't believe in welfare? I'm in love with him at this point! :) Welfare was set up for temp usage only, not years of abuse as some do. There are some people who truly need it, and some just taking advantage of the system.
not in a million years.
I'm straight, so no. But if you asked me if I'd want to be FRIENDS with this person, the answer is still an emphatic NO.
no, I would not date him/her, sounds a little unsophisticated for my tastes... not because he has standards, but I don't find these topics interesting to discuss. Sounds like he's kind of on a soap box.
No, but we could be pen pals. And you could do my laundry.
I don't believe in welfare and I don't like gay people, but I like guns enough that I have joined the one legal profession in which I'll be able to use them often enough to be happy. Huh, I'd say "Riiiight, well, I'll just be over here now... bye."
I don't think that person would date me, they sound pretty particular...
Oh gods no. I love gay people. Some of my friends are bi. I'm also on SSI, and he might think that's just as bad as welfare. People like that are horrible. My life is a struggle. But I could never date someone that I don't respect. And military people, I don't dislike (I shouldn't; my grandfather is retired Navy). I've dated a military man before. But I wouldn't now. It would suit or make me happy. I need to BE with someone, to feel connected. Out of sight, out of mind, so to speak. Emotional connected is related to physical connectedness. I'd probably date someone in the reserves, though.
I'd make sure they disappear quietly. :P
nope . . . the main reason being the not liking gay people part, i have had gay relationships prior to being married and have many gay friends, so would not get on board with this guy at all.
Absofreakinglutely not.
ya know, not really my kind of guy.
Hell no, he'd make ur life miserable!! RUN!!
I don't think about gay people one way or the other, unless they specifically volunteer the information that they're gay - that makes them obnoxious. I love a uniform, and I don't like welfare either. How big is his gun, exactly...?
No way. Sounds like a redneck.
no. sorry to say, but that person seems to have a one track mind...hateful? angry?
I have a girlfriend I've been dating for 2 years and 7 months. I'm single. Sorry. But we can still be friends. And...that's a pretty hefty one sentence statement you got there.
No. But I would date this person: "Just so you know, I love guns...and I don't believe in welfare if it isn't truely needed. Oh and I'm in the Military. I love gay people, but not the lifestyle. You are really hot babe". :)
No..can we say narrow-minded?
No. As soon as he said I don't like gay people my next words be see ya.
What a schmuck. That would be a "no"
That would be a no, he or she is obviously not tolerant of other people, or sympathetic to families that fall on hard times doesn't sound like a person I would want in my life, but kudos to their military services at least that's admirable
Nope. Guns have a habit of going off. Especially when fantics are holding them.
it's so conservative
I see no reason not to except he's probably male and that would make him just so not my type
hell no!!!!!!!!!!! 1)how can you dislike an entire group of people you dont know? 2) dont belive in warfare, but serves in the military. Ok, he gets paid to serve his country, but doesnt have the LOYALTY to stand and serve honorably!!! No NO NO If he will join the military and not hold up to his end of the bargain, what promises will he break to you?
I doubt it. That's enough to trigger the words "I'm not interested" in my brain.
Yes, i love men who are strong and willing to fight for their rights. Plus i too hate gay people.
I'm sure that anyone who will boast about serving in the military is either playing you for a fool or joined for the wrong reasons. Did he really say that all in one sentence? I mean...really?
nah sounds like a redneck blackhater..
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