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  • Being on birth control can help that. Being on birth control will also help with ovarian cysts. However, birth control does have some side effects. So, obviously, talk with a doctor. Good luck.
  • obviously the best advice for this level of pain is to consult your doctor. The doctor may then prescribe an anti-prostaglandin medication (Anaprox, etc.), as prostaglandins can be responsible for this kind of pain. Aspirin and such have a mild anti-prostaglandin effect which is why they can help but only for a short time.
  • I had this problem when I was younger and it turned out that I was aenemic. I had to take iron tablets and within a couple of months I was ok. Check this with your doc. A hot water bottle can help to ease the cramps also gentle excercise such as swimming. Hope you feel better soon.
  • percocet. soak in a warm bath, have some herbal tea and watch a johnny depp movie. seriously though, auntie em is right. it could be an underlying problem. i have endometriosis and i.c. and i used to have a lot of uti's. doc's didn't figure out for years that it was as serious as it is. so percocet may do you some good. go see an ob/gyn. if you do have one of these or both like i do, they have treatments. you might get lucky and not have to take such strong pain meds. lupron they use, heparin, anti-hormonal meds they use. a laparoscopy is the surgury they perform to see if you have endo, they will do a test called urodynamics to see if you have i.c. which is interstitial cystitis(chronic pelvic pain) is your pain constant or does it come and go? you should see a dr. regardless of anything i've said just to be on the sae side. it's not a life or death illness but it needs to be treated, it can get worse and trust me, you don't want that. i've been battling it for years now. and i'm still having problems. good luck and i hope that everything turns out ok. oh and sorry about the sarcastic johnny remarks, i was in a bad mood earlier.
  • I personally find some muscle rub cream effective, with a dose of Motrin or Pamprin. And sometimes a heating pad- but NOT in combination with the cream, or you'll get more of a burning burning sensation than relaxing. Also, see a doctor. As it turns out, I am anemic and am now on medication. There could be a whole host of problems, but your cycle is kind of like your body clock. It lets you know that everythings ok, or when it's not, so if you're experiencing problems definitely get it checked out.
  • I've had really bad cramps too. I was at the point of crying and feeling really sick. When I got my period the first year, I had to go home from school too. The cramps were really bad. I sat in my mom's car and took 2 motrins. Layed there for about 30 minutes and my cramps began to minimize. Cramps happen because of the uterus contracting usually at the start of your period. Take the pain reliver a day or two before you know your period will come. It almost always works for me. But, if your cramps are too bad that you can't even stand then maybe you should talk to your doctor. While at home, try putting heat on your lower stomach or back. Make sure you took the motrin first and you will fill better in no time. Trust me, I've had times when I've cried I've felt so bad. It happens to all of us girls at one point. If you really can't stand it then, go home for a few minutes or hours until you feel better. But, I carry motrin around in my backpack at school. When I was younger, I didn't carry motrin in my backpack and that was the reason I needed to go home because I needed pain relief.

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