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  • Depends on the thong. The ones with the really thin G-string are alright, its the ones where they try and make it a bit thicker that it gets uncomfortable, because they never really stay in place properly.
  • Apparently so, but if you pull them up too tight, they will get wedged in there, and you do not want that, especially as you will be one of the 18 people who have underwear related accidents and have to be taken to A&E, as someone told me! Not nice!
  • No. Not comfortable. And if you can see them out in plain daylight in a supermarket or something, then they aren't very pretty to look at either.
  • i find them comfortable you have to wear them a few times though,and they make your butt look great in a pair of jeans or a tight fitting skirt.most men like the look of a g-string on a woman so i guess in a sense they are pretty!i dont have a problem with any of them thin string or a wider one.i own more g-strings than bikini briefs so they can't be to bad.
  • Just my personal opinion; regarding comfort, it depends on the person wearing them. I personally don't care for the feel of a thong riding up my back end, nor the lack of support for my genitals. Pretty to look at? Again that depends on the person wearing them. Picture if you can, a 230 lb. woman (or man) wearing thongs. Now picture a woman (or a man) who is in top shape, wearing thongs. I personally find a woman in sexy lingerie, with most of her covered, more attractive, then a woman wearing thongs. Just my opinion.
  • Neither!
  • I guess it just depends, I mean the kind I buy are extremely comfortably, I can barely even feel it and mine are cute
  • There only purpose for me is to hide lines if I'm wearing thinner pants.
  • i think they are very comfortable
  • Not in my experience.
  • Yeah. You hardly know they're there, except if you run, or go up steps really fast!
  • Thongs are VERY comfortable if you get the right ones... I mean, regular underwear always ends up riding up why not start out with it up there :)
  • The shoes? In my opinion, I'd say they are both comfortable and pretty to look at. The underwear? These however are not comfortable, but they can be quite pretty.
  • Very comfortable and look nice, best thing to wear with trousers who likes seeing that fat knicker line making you look like you got a nappy on!!! Yep thongs are for me ;)
  • They are okay if you get used to them. They are definitely a weird feeling right away, however. And some are prettier than others.
  • underware: they feel better than underware in my opinion If u get them on right (pull down the front part, then pull up the back part), otherwise u'll have a perpetual wedgie
  • You wear a thong for a day, then see for yourself. I hate them. Its butt floss IMO.
  • I don't know, first of, because I'm a guy and I'm not into that whole thong-wearing thing, but this has opened up a whole new understanding of women and styles, and the things women are willing to let go up their butt for styles. I gotta hand it to you, I'm so glad to be a guy cause I wouldn't have what it takes to be a girl. (In this aspect and so much more.)
  • They are the most comfortable footwear in my wardrobe, not to mention i have about 10 pairs!! :)
  • Actually, thongs are comfortable if you get them big enough so it isn't trying to cut you in half just to fit. Maybe people just need to try a different size if they aren't comfortable.
  • I'm a dude so I wouldn't know, but sure look really, really, really comfortable.
  • In my humble opinion pantys are sexier than thongs to look at...maybe I'm just weird?? :o)
  • Very comfortable.
  • Comfortable :)
  • not comfortable, what's the point of a thong anyways...wouldn't commando be more comfortable....and not pretty too look at either....but I guess it depends.
  • I've always considered thongs basically the auto-wedgie. Having worn a few now, they're not really that bad, as long as they're on the bigger side, not the smaller side. However, I still prefer panties, thanks.
  • neither
  • since I am a straight man I would have no clue as to the comfortableness of a thong. I would imaging they would not be very confortable at all I know I have a problem when my boxers start to creep up into there I can only imagine how a tiny piece of material being stuck there all day would feel to far as the attractiveness factor is concernedI wouldn' t mind if I had a g/f who likes to wear them. However I would never let her wear hippies with them. I think it is totally gross to seee the top of a girls thong sticking 2 or 3 inches above the top of a pair of hippies. why even bother wearing the hippies then why not just walk the streets in just the thong if you have toi advertise it like that.
  • They are OK...commando is comfortable too...lmao
  • They're very comfortable. If you like the feel of dental floss in your hindquarters. Why do people spend good money to put something somewhere they spend most of their lives taking stuff out of?
  • Depends on whose wearing them. Visual image: Rosie O'Donnell in a thong...very uncomfortable for me. Jesica Alba in a thong...pretty to look at:)
  • Comfortable - I love them. No VPL and no bunching!
  • I find them comfortable, and great for no-VPL, which is a necessity. And, I don't wear pants, only skirts and dresses, so there's no worry of ghetto-peep-show.
  • Actually, I find them way more comfortable than regular underwear. They also don't make panty-lines.
  • I have never found a thong comfortable and I've tried both kinds. As for pretty so long as the veiwing is kept to the bedroom and not the street they can be. Personally I only wear them if they match the negligee I'm wearing since they're going to be on the floor soon anyways. Jay wasn't too found of them either. Said they made him think of strippers. He liked the sense of mystery and innocence that came with a pair of panties.
  • I've been wearing thong underwear for several years because they're comfortable. Since they are underwear, whether or not they look pretty just isn't in the equation. Once I found the right style and size for me, they have become very comfortable and it's all I wear. Don't diss em, till you've tried em. Great to sleep in and they handle warmer weather better than briefs or boxers.
  • i think there comfy. and i actually feel confident in wearing one. idk. just a personal preference
  • i think they can be comfortable depending on the type of thong it is
  • Avatar Girls wear thongs to impress the opposite sex. They dont give you panty lines which looks horrible. If you need some tips I heard all you need to do is get a thong one size bigger then your original pantie size then there really..really comfortable. Guys think thongs are hot when a girl bends over or sits down and a little of the thong is peeking out. If to much is peeking out it looks obvious (The whole thong) but still hot and you will probley be called a slut by other girls if you let the whole thong out. Im just tired of people calling them "Butt floss" because its a really..really old joke. Guys think they are very sexy so keep wearing : )
  • I have been told that they happen to be comfy
  • To my mind, neither. They are extremely uncomfortable, and unless you have a perfect body they do not look good. I used to wear them more, but I've gone off them. I think they look trashy - I've seen too many cheap ones showing at the back or being worn by women who really shouldn't wear them. A nice pair of full briefs, or going commando, are far more comfortable and more attractive options.
  • According to the way it is desiged i hope it must be comfortable.

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