• It was named after a huge sperm-whale, who acutally bit of a guy's leg!
  • The sinking of the whaleship Essex by an enraged Sperm whale was the event that inspired the climactic scene of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. But the point at which Melville's novel ends with the sinking of the ship, marks the beginning of the terrible real life story of the Essex disaster. source:
  • Heres the right answer: It is known that there was a real-life albino sperm whale, known as Mocha Dick that lived near the island of Mocha off Chile's southern coast, several decades before Melville wrote his book. Mocha Dick, like Moby Dick in Melville's story, had escaped countless times from the attacks of whalers, whom he would often attack with premeditated ferocity, and consequently had dozens of harpoons in his back. Mocha Dick was eventually killed in the 1830s. Mocha Dick was an albino sperm whale, it seems highly probable that Melville used him as a basis for his book. It's been sugested that Melville changed the name "Mocha" to "Moby", in 1846, 4 years before the novel was published, after meeting an old south seas shipmate, Richard Tobias Green. A familiar version of Green's first names was probably Dick Toby, where Melville may have got Moby-Dick. from wiki.
  • Dav, yet again, thanks to AB's new format or glitches, I'm unable to give you the useful rate you deserve or even leave a comment for you. You are correct in your answer, well done.
  • Dave is correct. For a more detailed version of the story, see

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