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  • I would rather have always been with someone that was knowledgeable and experienced sexually.
  • Oh, virginity is way overrated. Of course when you are 16 0r 17, whatever you do is great (perhaps not for your partner). experienced woman is the way to go, especially if you are experienced. My analogy is playing tennis. You want to play with someone perhaps a little better than you.
  • Honestly, I find the nature of the wording of this question completly offensive. But to answer, depends on how good I like her. To me sex is about love and connecting to the one you love.
  • I would have prefered none so we could learn together... the experience my wife had was all damaging anyway and she hadn't learned how to make things work for her or the man. she is the only one I have been with. were I to find myself single again I would prefer my next to have no experience both because it is a greater compliment to be her only than just to be her current and I while I saved myself for mairage, she did not return the favor meaning I have not experienced taking her virginity.
  • Virgins are such a headache. The younger ones need to be trained and reassured about themselves constantly. And the older ones go crazy realizing how much time they've lost. Where as an experienced woman, knows herself, what she likes, and how to keep up in bed. Plus she's more likely to have wilder fantasies to explore. And there's nothing like coming home to your wife, and her female co worker making out on your couch. Ah the mameries, uh....memories.
  • Virgin or not doesn't make a difference to me. I prefer girls to be sexually inexperienced so that I may be the one to corrupt them. I find that the ones with less experience are willing to do more devious things than girls who have experience. Plus I get off being dominant.
  • I don't really know as I've only had sex with virgins (except the second and subsequent times).
  • You want to marry a virgin, but fuck an experienced girl. That pretty much sums it up.
  • I still have wonderful memories of deflowering virgins (I have been lucky enough to do this a few times) and that first ever time is so special - but not to be rushed. So for me a virgin and lots of time are a the best combination!
  • Generally, an experienced woman is more fun. The first time I had sex - we were both 16 - it was two virgins. Unlike what a lot of folks say, it was great sex. However, it was in a lot of ways inept. Not being sure of ourselves and not being sure of what would please the other person. On one level it is fun to learn what turns on the other person - but only if you know how to do it. I will say, though, the one time that I was the experienced guy and the gal was a virgin - I was in college - it wasn't magnificent sex, but she was a really sweet girl. She really cared that I was enjoying myself and her modesty was actually a turn-on. There was a sense that she was giving herself to me because she cared that she did not know how to please me. That was really the only sex I have had where I was the experienced guy having sex with the virgin - so maybe that is not most guy's experience. On balance, I have had more interesting sex and more aggressive sex, but it was not bad and it was hard not to appreciate someone who wanted so much to please me.
  • Most guys I'e been with like the experienced woman.

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