• I don't like to use the word "believe" when discussing scientific theory. We judge a theory based on how well it explains observed reality. The problem with string theories (there are many) is that there is so little evidence to either support or refute the predictions they make -- they deal with scales of energy (large) and distance (tiny) that make experimentation nearly impossible. If it turns out, in the future, that an 11-dimensional world actually does explain known physics better than any other explanation (even though we only experience 4 dimensions) then I would accept it. It wouldn't be the first time people were shocked by a new view of reality.
  • What is the string theory and what are our 4 dimensions? What are the 11 other ones?
  • The jury is still out, but the people who believe in ST and multiple dimentions have a rather good track record of being correct. The problem is we are getting into the area that no one can prove or disprove.

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