No, they are both very tidy.
No, my kitty is not but my doggie is.
One of my cats has bad breath!
I dont have a cat. :P
Only where is litter box is
No, but if he was, it wouldn't be his fault! What are we feeding it, anyway, right?
This was the cutest question ever, in my deranged little mind.
well, they have bad breath, but don't they all? some are worse than others (we have five). a couple don't like to cover when they use the box, and one doesn't clean her back-end very well and well...she stinks pretty bad sometimes.... ...this just made me think of Phoebe's song from "Friends"
Mine just jumped up on my shoulder, probably to snoop on my AB activities, but she has no bad odor.
Not usually :) "Smelly cat, smelly cat. What are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat, It's not your fault!"
thier breath is not the best but other than that no.
Actually, Buttercup smells pretty good for a cat, but she still has morning breath all the time.
I do not have a cat but if I did it may be. They do seem to have a smell which closes up my throat and lungs.
Her litter box. Seems like there's no good odor killer for this being.
Not one whiff! Though someone's must be, though:-)
I have no cats or pets any more. I had 4 cats before and those were my babies i loved them, and miss them.They lived long lives, but they never smelled but the kitty litter box did when they went nummber 1 and 2.
My cat Zoe doesn't smell bad. Her problem is that she has really long hair and gets the occasional dingleberry, so I have to trim her hair in the rear...not a fun job...grosses my kids out when I do it.
Yes/no/maybe. He died years ago.
One has bad breath. Let’s be honest…if you has to wipe your butt with your tongue, you’d have bad breath to. There’s no amount of toothpaste in the world.
No... That's a strange name for a cat... My cat's name is Dusty...
only after it comes back from visiting your house...what gives
When dumping all the litter out, yes. She has really bad aim and shoots urine everywhere. But as for herself, she couldn't smell any sweeter. (hair in the nose and eyes).
Hmmmmm Let me see sniff sniff ... guess not. This is her:
Nope. Actually, he smells like crackers! : D
Nah, she's just a pain in the ass that likes to attack my feet at night while I'm going up or down the stairs.
no both mine smell lovely.
Neither one is.
No, thank god, they all keep clean..If on the off chance they have a "liter" problem, it's right in the tub for them..They know the minute I get out the rubber gloves, hahahaha!
No and they shouldn't. If your cat has an odor, you should have them checked by a vet. Cats are clean by nature and thus should be fairly odorless. An odor may indicate a health problem. Now, dogs on the other hand...
Gracious no, I keep Ms. Puss clean.
No my cats are clean. Clean little psychos.
No she smells super good its strange
Yes, he only had one bath in his whole life.
Only when he's pissed.
I have 3 cats and none are smelly
smelly cat smelly cat what are they feeding you smelly cat smelly cat its not your fault
My cats sleep on top of the dryer...hence, always smell like dryer sheets!
No, unless you're talking about the litterbox. Tika's fur actually has a scent I call 'kitty-clean' after she grooms herself. Cats are pretty fastidious about keeping themselves clean. It's when they're NOT that means a vet should have a look!
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