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  • FIRST: You can worry about it all you want, but most likely you are quite average. ==== The length is measured only when erect. There's a saying that erections equal out the differences in size among men. You can't tell anything from the flaccid state. And you can't trust measurments made by a man and then reported to a survey (see next-to-last paragraph in this answer). The average length, according to the first source below, is 6.16 inches (when erect) and average girth is 4.84". The same website lists another study showing average length of 5.1"/girth 4.9" and a third study showing average length 5.7"/girth 4.7". -- A fourth study says average length is 5.7" to 6". A condom manufacturer says 5.877" length/4.972" girth. They ALSO say: "It is fair to say that in all cases, where medical staff has measured erect penis size, the average length has been below 6 inches and in every case where the surveys rely on self-measurement and voluntary reporting the average leaps over six inches. Interestingly average girth remains around 5 inches in all surveys. Using the figure of 5.877 inches from the LifeStyles Condoms Average Penis Size Survey it appears that men on average exaggerate their penis length by a quarter to a half an inch when they are permitted to measure and report their own size. The results do show that the difference between small penises, average penis size and large penises is not so great as folklore might have us believe." ----
  • It depends on the age difference for ages 18-30 the average size of the penis is anywhere between 6 inches-7 inches long .. ages 13-16 are 2 inches less then the ages 18-30 which would be 4 inches- 6 inches. It also depends on the weight and height and also could be hereditary.
  • Actually, as a woman, I have noticed a correlation between the size and shape of a man's body and the size/shape of his penis. Of course this is only based upon 20 years of dating and is not a study done in a lab! lol This is average, not all-inclusive though. A man of tall height with a muscular build will usually have the same shape of penis. A tall thin man, a long thin penis. A short man...well you see where I'm going with this. This is not meant to offend anyone and is only based upon my experiences with penises.
  • from my own experience i have found that the average penis is 5.5"-6" except in black men where it is about an inch longer and more often can be larger.
  • SPAM - Please flag as Spam - remove answer
  • There is no average size. Are there people who go around and measure? NO , Do you go to the doctor, get erect, then get measured? NO ! There are plenty of myths out there that won't go away. So, for someone to say " average", is not gonna be right on. They may have read something, or heard something, but the simple answer is " There is no average size, only myths and wonderings ".
  • GUYS: Don't worry. The only time to even BEGIN to worry is if the woman you are with COMPLAINS about her sexual experience with you. At that point, you and she can talk about it. But most of the time unless you are shorter than 3-4" or so when ERECT, it won't be due to the size of your erect penis, but what you do or do not do with it **before and after insertion.** Keep in mind many men who I am sure fall well within the stated average sizes here by several authorities have women who do not find making love with them pleasureable for some reason, and it usually is not because of the size of their penis.
  • A penis which is small when flaccid, will be medium-sized when erect. Average penis measurements are: - Flaccid, at room temperature: between 7cm and 10cm. The penis will shrink as the temperature drops. - Erect: between 12cm and 18cm long and 3cm and4cm in diametre ( with a circumference of 9cm to 13cm).
  • The size of the man may have some to do with it but not all. At 34yo I stand at 5'8 and have a 7 1/4 member at 5 1/2 around The head of it is almost 2inche long. I had a friend in college that was black and was over 6' and had a penis at 6 inches erect. So it varies as much from person to person as it does race. It also varies greatly on the mood of the woman. I've been married for over 10 years and sometimes my wife is in the mood for more tender loving and other time a wild roll in the hay. Just use what you have.
  • The average size length is 6" and the average girth is around 4". The average size of a man's penis is reducing through each generation, where the bra size of women is increasing. This is largely due to the fact of the penis being a muscle and breasts being fat. These statistics show what happens with poorer diets, lack of exercise and environmental changes. It is an interesting discovery, which not a lot of people know, but being a good lover has very little reference to size or looks and more to do with consideration and experience.
  • 6 inches?
  • 6 to 7 inches.
  • I'm not pissed off, just stating my views. I have ample dick, both length and girth. There is no average size. period.
  • The great majority of penises measure between 15cm and 18cm (6-7 inches) when erect, with the average figure being about 16.5cm (6.5 inches). The smallest penis measured 6cm (2.25 inches). It belonged to a fairly heavily built man of 5' 11" (180cm).
  • wayneoworld, I havce to say: You're a fucking retard. Google the word Kinsey and "penis survey". Hahahaha "There is no average." ANYTHING corporeal with a measure has an average.
  • I think the average is between 6 and 7 inches, they don't know because everyone adds a inch?? LOL Most fall in that, if you know the bell curve, there are equil groups above and below the average, then a very small group that has less than 1 inch, and another group, (porn stars) larger than 12 inches...
  • my dick is 9 inches and i am 16 haha suckers wit little dicks
  • 6.25 inchs erect but surprisingly just over 6 inchs in girth around the middle of the shaft,its around half an inch narrower at the head(shame). Looking at mine from above(as all of us do)i always thought i was a little on the small side in length and width. Finally accepted mine is fine(after many years of worrying),especially the girth which my wife had commented on especially when i take her from behind,ie ooh thats a bit thick which is a great ego boost at exactly the right I would love to be an inch longer but its not to be.
  • between 4 amd 7 inches naturally, but it varies from person to person
  • You first need to consider that different nationalities have different biological characteristics. One could say that it depends on race - this is partially true - but you will find conflicting results if you search online wheras some say african males are larger - others say caucasian. This is a difficult thing to determine since africans come from many parts of Africa and each individual race of African based on region can vary greatly (sub saharan versus northern) and caucasian is almost impossible. I read a while back that Scandinavian males had the most endowment - then I read it was Africans - then something else (I can't even remember right now). So I guess the jury is still out on the race question. The average size of the male penis is between 2 to 3 inches flacid and 5 to 6 inches erect the average girth is between 4.5 to 5 inches. You can see a chart that demonstrates this study here...
  • It all depends on where are in the world. indonesian men are the smallest at about 4.5 inches, but I think globally the average is about 5.5 to 6 inches.
  • is 5 inches in girth good?
  • is 5 inches in girth good enough?
  • now I'm depressed....
  • According to various reports the average length, when errect is 5.5 to 6.5 inches. The vagina, being the wonderful thing that it is, is kind of a one-size-fits all tool. If your penis is smile, the first thing you need to do is make sure you know how to take care of your woman put her sexual needs first. (Good for all those with penis' actually). There isn't anything you do to change the size, just as you can't change the size of your feet or hands.
  • 5 inches
  • About 5+ inches depending from were you measure it. A pencil dick is one that is long and thin like pencil.
  • The average size of a mans penis is 5.5 - 6.0" long.
  • according to men..........huge:))
  • 5 to 6 inches but depneds on ur timing thats mattars alot
  • i read that in order to get an exact measurement of the average size, you have to measure it when erect on different days at different times, simply because it depends on the room temperature, frequency of sexual activity (masturbation included), arousal level and time of day
  • The average is actually between 5.5 and 6.5 inches.
  • @wayneoworld Average is a hard word to define. It basically means the typical value but it has all sorts of definitions (arithmetic mean, geometric mean, median, mode, w/e). Generally we mean the arithmetic mean when we say "average". That is defined as the sum of all the individual values divided by the number of values. So there IS an average, other factors tell you how much meaning it has. Now, obviously there are too many people in the world to check every person, so statisticians have methods of approximating the real average from a small sample (usually 1000 people will give you a very accurate number). Essentially what they do is get the average of a group of people, see how much individual values vary and then say "well...this sample is only such and thus % of the total population. To be safe let's say there might be some rare exceptions we missed and that the real average is between this smaller number and this larger number based on our observed variation." They get a range of averages usually which they are "95% confident about". Such studies have been done numerous times about size where scientists were doing the measuring. That's why You were never called, but the numbers exist. The averages usually come out to about 5" when it's done this way.
  • Disappointingly small
  • one of my boyfriends wuz about 5 inches long but really thick.
  • All the women and Men who say size does not matter...are usually small dicked and have no alternative...below 6 1/2 and girthy.throw it back
  • It is spelled penis..they come in a variety of sizes, not one size is normal, I don't think.
  • A recent study said the average size is 5 and a quarter, most grown men range from 5 to 7 inches.
  • A penni is one one-hundredth of the Finnish Marka (not sure on spelling). I've never seen one so I guess I really can't say.
  • a former monetary unit equal to 1⁄100 Finnish markka. Cu Weight: 12.8 g Diameter: 30 mm
  • Look at your penis or your guys penis if you are a girl, make sure to get the size of it down. Are you looking? Good, now listen to me, whatever size it happens to be is "normal". There is no normal size.
  • uuuummmm .... lol
  • Whatever the guy is packing is normal for him.
  • Mine is 3 inches long - when you fold it 4 times
  • Same as your height...
  • My experience tells me that it is 7
  • About the length of a dollar bill-you know, 10 inches?
  • This guy's about 5 foot 7.
  • 6-7" is average, but on the internet everyone exaggerates their size
  • I've read that 6 or 7 inches is the average size. Although there may be an increase to the average now due to cosmetic surgeries and medications that can increase the size of penis. Average size of women's boobs have increased over the years since the boob jobs became available to everyone.
  • Seven inches...darn. The actual average size is 5.5 inches. The problem is girth. Where can you get this surgury? Just kidding! Depends on where you start measuring from. You should start from the front of the testicals to the bottom of the tip of the pennis. If you measure from the top side it will be shorter. For those who are less fortunate, they need to start from the back of their testicals. It will help.
  • every size is normal. any size is normal. btw what is a pennis, rhymes with tennis. PENIS might be what you mean as most folks are inclined to ask about average sizes for the penis. i have read eight or nine is the national usa average. i have seen some really long snake penises in the locker room. eightteen inches i would guess. the thing reached down to the guy's knee.
  • Average is about 12". Above average is about, hang on I'll check................Okay it's about 15". Not really. Average is about 7".
  • about two of that mans hand width
  • What is the size of a normal person? You can judge its working conditions by the smile on her face ... Or by the tone of her .... I loooove you so much Play first ... then it will be great eitherway ... :)
  • University of Chicago recently did a study, because for whatever reason there was this rumor (probably started by "smaller" gentlemen) that the average penis size was around 7" erect. That is not the case, according to this study. The average male penis is in fact 13" long, and 7" in circumference. If you aren't up to par, women will universally be unsatisfied with you. Man, I've always wanted to do something like this.
  • <a href=""> this about covers it.....or did you mean penis?
  • for most wich are the unfortunate its 3 inches limp, if you wear boxer shorts no limit
  • Five letters.
  • What are you calling normal? Men are all different, just like boobs, even nipples come in different sizes. Who's to say what is normal? Whether you're large or small, or somewhere in between, you gotta be happy with what God gave you.
  • 4.5 to 7 inch i guess
  • Muslim men are very big & have 30 to 45 minute stamina.
  • 4.23 inches
  • 5-7 inches being the actual average size.
  • In all honesty, it's not how small (or large) your penis is, it's whether or not you know what to do with it (or not do with it) when the time arrives for making love. For the sake of the younger folks who might read this, I won't get very graphic. You can use your imagination. You never make love TO that person. You make love WITH that person. I AM A VERY fortunate man. I had the wonderful experience of seeing my parents, both sets of grandparents and all my aunts and uncles behave as though they were constantly on their honeymoons with their spouses. They would hold hands, cuddle, hug, kiss, whisper things to each other, say, "I love you, _____!" and carry-on like many young people, who are in love, do in public. They would smile at each other and tell each other How beautiful, wonderful and thoughtful she was! AND How thoughtful, wonderful and handsome he was! WOW! What a great set of romance and romantic role models! No, I never watched as they were making love in the most intimate way, but I DID see and learn from their examples and inter-actions with their spouses! As far as I know, no one ever cheated on the other. That being said, one day my mother's father asked me to take him to the track. He "LOVED those ponies"! He was well-aware of the relationship I had with the lady I was dating and who would one day be my bride. He said words similar to these: I know your father told you what to do, but did he ever tell you how to do it? I answered, "No". He went on to say, "I'm going to tell you some things I don't think you'll learn from any one else. When you have sex, make love or whatever you want to call it, you don't behave like most other men. Most men are just interested in one thing and one thing only - satisfying their own selfish selves. That's NOT the way to do it. You have to make absolutely certain she is satisfied. No matter how long it takes or what you have to do, you have to do whatever it takes to make sure she does what she likes to do best. You HAVE TO satisfy her first. Your brain is the most important sex organ. Your brain controls what happens downstairs. When you aren't sure about what to do or how to do it, ask her what she wants you to do. She'll tell you or she'll show you. When you're making love, you think of other things - not what's going on at that particular moment with that particular lady. When you think about what you're actually doing, I guarantee you'll never satisfy the lady in your life. He went on to explain about holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing and taking things one step at a time. He described a lot of things I heard of but wasn't sure about. During that ride, one of the last things he said was: When you are absolutely sure she is satisfied, then you can do what you know is best for you - but not one minute before. Thank you, Gran'pop. I love you, Gran'pop. I miss you, Gran'pop! Rest in Peace, Gran'pop! Some afterthoughts: You could also buy a book, on-line, called "Kama Sutra." You could also go on-line and make the investment in some "adult sex toys" or movies to stimulate and arouse. There are LOTS of sites. The following true story might give you a few ideas: TRUE STORY - as told to me by my friend, J. B.: Joe: work, work, work, work AND work some more! He was ALWAYS tired. NO time to spend with his girlfriend, who later became his bride. One evening he came home from work. Flowers were on the table. Candles lit. His favorite music was playing. His favorite dinner ready just for him: pizza from his favorite pizza shop. Flowers and petals going up the stairs - a sort-of "path" leading to K.D., his beloved. He walked in the door and noticed ALL those nice things (except the pizza, which was in the fridge). "Honey, I'm home." K.D. 'sang', "I'm up hereeerrrrrrree." He "didn't stand an ice cube's chance in Hades"! He walked-up the steps and she "ambushed" him. He didn't go right to sleep that night or for quite a few nights after that. Following their romantic interlude, within the next few days, they talked about those things which were bothering them about their relationship. Having a very frank discussion and "pulling no punches", they "opened the door" to, with and for each other. When an impasse was reached, they got a few trusted friends (I was one) and their minister involved. Eventually, their differences were straightened-out. Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: My wonderful family! Because you asked. My friends, J. B. & K. D. "THE University of Hard Knocks" also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons"
  • The average is 5.5 - 6.5. If you are in a loving relationship, than no size doesn't matter. Some of us do, from a purely sexual pleasure standpoint believe that bigger is better. Its all relative to where you are sexually.
  • 50 feet
  • Mine is six inches and I love it!
  • 10000000 times smaller than mine.
  • Here see mine. The average is a bit smaller.
  • The average size of an adult male is 5.9", most are between 5.5" and 6.3" when fully erect. The average circumference is between 4 to 5 inches around. I hope this helped..
  • Bigger than what you've got. Average is around 5.5 to 6 inches.
  • probably much larger than yours
  • Trust me girls will love you first and foremost, don't worry about your size.
  • huh!! i win im 10" !!
  • About an inch under my size.
  • 5 inches
  • There is no "normal" size, but the average is 6 inches - 15 Cm.
  • About 3 mm.
  • 14 inches
  • GUYS her is the answer!!! if your penis doesnt fit in a condom! (big or small) it isnt average! all other penile lengths are fine so dont sweat the small stuff guys(unless its less than 4 inch) then we need to talk(unless your asian) haha! enjoy! for the record mine is 7 inches im 18 years old and also for the record girls cant feel more than 6 inches into their vagina's so it really doesnt matter.. beyond that points it goes numb somewhat and the only sensation is pressure beyond that point.
  • may be 5.5 inches in lenght and 5 inches in girth
  • about 6" in lenght and 5" in girth
  • I have heard for most men, 6 inches in the average!
  • about my size
  • World average is 6.
  • Medium.
  • About 6 inches. A little longer if he is lean and in good athletic condition. A little shorter if he is overweight.
  • w00t 13 and above average and i still got a year 2 grow!!!
  • I think its something like 6.5. I'm not sure if that's soft or hard though.
  • This topic has been covered extensively. You should search existing questions and answers. There was a website that had a table chart but the average size is 5.5 inches long and 5.25 inches in circumference. That was taken out of 3000 men. I can't remember which thread it was on though, but I posted the link somewhere. I just couldn't find it.
  • This is beyond a duplicate question
  • Anywhere between 5 and 7 inches is considered "normal".
  • According to Men's Health Magazine AND the Kinsey Institute of Sexual Studies ... the AVERAGE size of an adult male (18 years old or older ) penis when fully erect is 5.2 to 5.5 INCHES ... when measured PROPERLY ... This is DOWN from the 6 Inches back in 1990 ... making some to believe that because of increased smoking , drugs, and junk food .. that the penis is actually getting SMALLER ... +5
  • F -Mens Health. I'm 1 of 6 bros, and our average dick is 6.7 inches. My 16 yr old son has a 7 inch cock and his 14 yr old bro is 5.9. Never believe a publication, measure yr self man!
  • ------ i say that it is 5 inch to 6 inch but most guys say it bigger than that

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