• It is something to behold.
  • need to get the time to read it. been to busy to read it yet
  • I think it's a valuable book that maps man's religious evolution and struggle to be free and know God. I don't believe it's the literal word of God but it has great worth in teaching us about the progress and development of religion, social laws and customs and understanding of the world.
  • Follow it and you will lead a decent life but a fictional book none the less.
  • If nothing else, it provides tangible proof that humans are rapidly evolving into more intelligent, wiser, and definitely more credible creatures.
  • God's truth. (let the negging begin!)
    • Warren
      They asked for your honest opinion. No one can nag you for seeking it when asked for it
  • Most powerfull book ever, it took control over so many lives, and changed so many people, I guess some ppl will believe anything..
  • Overrated work of plagiarised fiction. It isn't even very good reading. I'd take the epic of Gilgamesh over the bible any day.
  • I think it USED to have some good teachings, but people have tampered with it - divorce was only allowed after an english king decided it was so, not god - and morphed because missionaries have tried to tailor it to people they try to convert. and the devil is modeled straight off a pagan god the church was trying to make look evil. now i think it's just a load of sh**.
  • I honestly believe that it is really God’s Word, preserved for us to give us all that we need to survive and to thrive in today’s world. I read it every day.
  • A tool of coercion and control, poorly written and edited even worse, which was pawned off on the masses at a time when most of them were illiterate and thus unable to catch the glaring flaws and inconsistencies for themselves.
  • It's a good story.
  • bullocks
  • I cant give you an opinion as i have never read the bible.
  • I beleive that the bible is a story made up
  • Its written in English, but it still reads like Greek to me.
  • Violent, poorly written and full of magic tricks people take too seriously. Hard to believe people can say Christianity is a religion of good deeds, hope and forgiveness when the Bible is anything but. Don't get me wrong, some of the stories are nice and I have no problems with the teachings of Jesus, but the Bible itself... could be better.
  • A collection of different folk tales, histories, legends, advice, rules, songs and memoirs collected over a long time from different people. A fascinating piece of folk history, worth studying in its own right and because of the effect that it has had on western civilisation. But not something to believe or trust in.
  • I've never read it & I never will. I put my faith in God not a book written by men
  • I think I've read fairy tales to my kids with more truth in them.
  • My honest opinion was and still is, its something to behold. Now my more honest opinion of the answers this question is receiving, literally makes myself wonder why I continue to waste so much of my own time and can only assume others feeling the same way, of wasted days and wasted nights, time spent here on answerbag. Hey, didn't they write about this?
  • I treasure this book and highly recommend it everyone. At the end of 2008 I will have read through the entire Bible ten times. Like the Psalmist David, I feel that “Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.” (Psalm 119:105) God’s statements and reminders are found in the Bible, and they can help us to overcome obstacles that we may encounter on our path through life. When we read the Bible and let it guide us, we are experiencing firsthand what is described at Isaiah 30:21: “Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: ‘This is the way. Walk in it, you people.’”
  • Its amazing the number of opinions offered that don't believe the Bible. All of them should try spherical intellect to either prove or disprove it. Its amazing how close the description, in astrophysics and the Bible, is about the earth before man. Most people develop opinions about the Bible thru preachers. Remember these individuals want you to have a "personal" relationship with God through them via donations and obedience. THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!!!
  • read it, but not for me. good morals though. but i have issues w the NT. at least the OT was written by prophets. [totally my opinion sry if it upsets you]
  • It's a book filled with great stories and morals, think Aesop's Fables only with more "meat". Sadly it's taken literally by far too many who completely miss the metaphor, including those various groups that promote prejudice for the lame reason that "the Bible says it's so". Too many use it as a crutch against which they can weigh their questions about morality without having to actually think them through themselves. It's like, "Hmmm, this person is a homosexual, should I pity and pray for them, or should I treat them with the same basic human respect as anyone else? Let me look in the Bible... Hmmm, 'Thou shalt not lie with a man as thou dost lie with a woman', not very specific, and I wonder if they had couches back in Jesus' day, and the 'thou' and 'dost' don't sound very progressive or modern... but anyways... that must mean homos are bad and going straight to hell! Ok, my choice is made for me, thank you Bible!" Ludicrous.
  • It's contents make it the greatest perversion of humanity.
  • It's bullshit
  • Greatest work of poorly writen fiction ever compiled for reading by the uneducated!
  • Its what I base my life on. Its God's Word. I believe it with my whole heart.
  • My honest opinion of the Bible is that I actually really do believe it is the word of God, even though I've tried to detach myself from believing in it and I've tried to rid myself of the Christian God. In the end, I still believe that God told people what to write and it was written. Why can't God have a book? I prefer the King James Version above every other version of the Bible. ... please don't hate me.
  • It is a prejudice, hateful depressing book, that promotes incest, murder, and other vile things. I true cancer on society, that in the hands of certain people completely inhibits the advancement of mankind.
  • I think it was written by man, and then rewritten and rewritten. I agree with some of the ideas, and I disagree with others. I think it shouldn't be taken word for word, I think it should be taken for the over all message, and most people disregard that.
  • It's a good book to read, but not a good book to bang people over the head with.
  • I honestly never had much use for it. I tried reading it once and got to the part toward the beginning where everybody was begatting everybody else and couldn't get through it. I think it has some wonderful allegory, but considering that it was written by flawed, weak human beings hundreds of years after the life of Christ, I can't accept it as more than a guide for people in crisis. Without a doubt, whatever my feelings are about the Bible, it is the single most influential document ever put to paper. Think of the number of lives it has affected, good and bad, in the last 1700 years.
  • It's the word of God, a guide book for life and a way to get to know Jesus and his plan of salvation for us all.
  • An interesting fiction story that seems to have gained credibility over the years as it was used to control the masses. Ron Hubbard wrote some books himself that started Scientology, another case of people following a fiction story as fact. Personally I think if I was going to follow a book I would pick something much better than either of these, but, I prefer to make up my own mind and make my own decisions.
  • Would you like my dishonest answer as well?
  • It's a book I really want to read, but haven't yet. I've read a few quotes from this book, and to be honest, I don't like a lot of them.
  • My honest opinion of the Bible is that people who think of it as the divinely inspired word of God tend to look at it in a one dimensional way and usually have no clue where it came from. People who don't think that it is the word of God tend to have little if any experience with it. Their opinions of it are directly effected by people who hold the Bible dear. To prove this, ask someone who believes in the Bible as God's Word, to give an explanation from history as to who wrote it and how it was put together, (The answer will be half right at best). Also ask one who totally disregards the Bible what it is about and why it was originally formed. If they give you an answer it will be almost complete nonsense absent of any evidencei.e. "its a book of rules put together to control people." My honest opinion of the Bible is that the majority of people who get really worked up over it know nearly nothing about it.
  • i believe it was made up to control mankind's actions because of all of the taboo things in this world and all of the superstitions people have. also i believe that it was created to give mankind someone to talk to when they have something difficult to deal with, so they dont feel like they're alone and that they have someone watching over them when they're dealing with hard times.
  • It is the best book ever!because it tells you what's happenning in the world now and in the future.
  • It can be dangerous because people can twist the words to fit their personal view. It's a powerful book, and one that if you believe you must read for yourself.
  • Good guide lines....
  • It is the best seller and probably the least read but the most mis-quoted from. It is misunderstood and condemned more than any book. It is said to be violent because it recounts events that happened. Oh and it is said that Jesus was a nice guy but do not believe what you read about him. That is my observed opinion. But I do not believe many of those things.
  • The most amazing thing that was written in the world
  • It is an outdated work. Whether it was intended to be the written word of God or not I have no idea (but I don't know why God would have to have man write his ideas down for him). It is confusing, open to any interpretation, and not even a nice story. When you read it you realize that Mr Big isn't a very nice being at all...SO I answered your 'opinion question' and gave my honest opinion...let the DR's begin:)
  • It is the Inspired Word of God.
  • i believe that it is a holy book to be revered. but i do not believe it is the direct word of god. but to be fair i don't believe that any holy books are the direct word of god. i think there are a lot of very good things in it and it would probably do the world some good to read it (or the torah or the koran, etc.) they make the world a better place
  • As of read different passages thru out the bible i have found that you can always find another scripture to verify a scripture you have read or are studing. it is the only book that can be completely destoryed and you can rewrite it word for word because of all the studies done to the chapters and books of the bible... there is no other book in the world that could be destroyed and put back together...... so you take a moment! set in the quite and see if it doesn't speak to you in some way! it gives comfort it gives peace .... believe in him as he believes in you and see if the bibles not real see if it doesn't have answer for things in your life ......... I pray that this bless you and that he see fit to put someone in your life that will bless and help you grow in his word ..... IT IS REAL IT IS ALIVE and so full of LOVE YOU Can not escape HIM ...... Edward
  • A book that was taken waaaay too literally by waaaay too many people.
  • There is a fundamental difference between truth and fact. It is true that God exists but I cannot prove it. It is a fact that President Bush said he invaded Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction but it is not true. Catholics believe that the Bible teaches truth about God but it is not historically factual at all times. The Bible's primary purpose is to teach us the truth about God and His (or Her) love for us and how we should love each other, not to teach facts about history or science. All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 105 and following: With love in Christ.
  • I think it is the bloodiest book in history. Full of contradictions and myths. I just can't take it seriously when the first chapter about Moses (the man the entire Jewish religion is based on) is he killed an Egyptian and buried him before anyone knew.
  • The Most Puplished Book in History, over a trillion copys made
  • I believe it is a collection of internally contradictory parables written out by ancient peoples in an attempt to explain the world in which they lived which still serves as a primitive and flawed moral guide. Now I must go and prepare for the negative outlash from any theists who have just read my honest opinion. -waits for the negative points to flood in-
  • Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth
  • The greatest Book ever written, it has stood the test of time and it suits every situation. It has withstood attack after attack by those who want it destroyed, even those who have sought to kill those printing it. Many have sought to have it taken from the common man in times past yet it remains. Archaeologists have tried to prove it wrong, and have been unsuccessful. Historians have tried to say it is all a lie, but historians of the day are ignored if they testified of it. Josephus tells the story of Christ's death, yet his writings are only seen in Christian circles. Throughout history men have looked to the Bible for lessons in life and have found the answers they seek. The problem many have is they cannot see the forest for the trees. The Bible is the Word of God, and those who reject it, refuse it because of what it says to their hearts about the sin in their life, rather than any error they think they have found. The problem is most aren't honest enough to admit that. The Bible stands as a testimony to the fact it IS the Word of the True and Living God.
  • For the most part it's poorly written fiction. Some parts are quite nice fiction. . Oh - and as books go it's probably got the record for causing human misery and death. - Let the DR orgy begin!
  • I think God is pure love and the fear put out in the Bible was inserted by man.
  • That too many people judge the Bible simply without doing any research and giving their own honest, uneducated opinion.
  • I don't put much faith in it. I have sort of my own belief of God. I do believe in God, but I think me as a person isn't supposed to understand God or heaven or the afterlife at all.
  • The Bible is meant to be a handbook to get you into a personal relationship with Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Our Eternal Father. It isnt meant to be worshipped. It is full of mistakes and was written by people who wanted to share an esperience. We are instructed to establish a two way communication link with The Holy Spirit so He will guide daily from morning to night in the right path. Jesus calls it prayer.
  • Which one? There are 130 versions!
  • Biblical Intructions Before Leaving Earth - - - - - My opinion is the bible is God's word that was written by many but it tells many great stories and of many miracles. Most important it tells you what you should and should not do in life or to others. It also tells what is yet to come. I believe in it even though I have questions about it. It is very hard to understand sometimes and I am not as educated on the bible as I need to be but I don't discredit it as being the truth at all.
  • It is a book written by men.Like any other book written by men,it is based on their beliefs and ideas.It is interesting reading, but is not based on factual data.
  • God's word and the solid foundation to begin to view the world from.
  • It is the only sure thing in a very unsure world.
  • That it is the inspired word of God, provided to humanity through men... Who were anything but perfect. It is no different than the respect and the reverence that a fellow scientist might attribute to anything that Stephen Hawking, Issac Asimov or Copernicus might have had to document on the history of the universe.
  • Word of God. My 2 cents.
  • OK. I know I'm setting myself up for big time DRing but as this is an opinion question I feel compelled to put my opinion out there. This is in no way intended to convert anyone or to offend anyone, just how I view it based on my experiences and learning. I believe that man began believing in a god as far back a Cro-Magnon man. It was never put on paper, just passed verbally from the elders to the children. as we reached a point several thousand years ago it had been refined and was written in text with the invention of writing. The old testament is very black and white in a literal, physical sense. I think for the civilizations that believed in the religion (surely there were many that had never even heard of it) it felt very real and in fact was probably very uniform. I think many religions developed at the same time and many of those competing religions exist today. I don't trust humanity enough to believe that religion hasn't been manipulated throughout human history in order to control populations and justify actions of political and religious leaders. I think that the Roman empire saw an opportunity to keep people in check and began to use religion to it's advantage utilizing what at the time was a breaking religion which embraced God and a man who many claimed to be a messiah (Jesus). It was convenient and easily manipulated into a method of insuring control and power for those who lead it. I think the bible was created using previous writings and current writings which were beneficial to the ruling government ("Give to Caesar what is his"). What we have today in the bible is a compilation of those actions. The old testament is very rigid and regulates physical action while the new testament is a radical step into regulating not just physical acts but also thought and reason. I just find the timing and the extreme change of direction to throw red flags in a major way. Religion has been used by leaders, religious and political as a motivator against other religions, even those who share the same basic beliefs (Christian and Muslim are a good example). Then there is the fact that the early christian church was one singular unit. Today there are roughly 39,000 denominations, each with their own specific beliefs. The bible has been read differently so many times that Christianity has splintered an insane amount of times, often based on power trips by church leaders. If there is only one true god and only one factual history then what about all these competing religions and denominations. They certainly all can't be true. So reason dictates that there are many who are being misled, not by malice but by competing beliefs. The bible? It can't be trusted in my eyes. I don't know what the truth is and the bible can't help me find it so I'm forced to say that until there is something compelling that leads me to believe in the actual existence of a god that there is not one but I keep an open mind should that not be the case. I don't think humanity will ever prove either the existence or non-existence of a god. The answer will never be given. In the meanwhile we'll bicker incessantly but never be able to prove anyone either right or wrong. I don't think we will ever know the truth. It would be nice if we could all accept that and move on but it simply isn't the case. I for my own part have accepted it
  • I think the bible contains sound moral instruction and ancient wisdom retold, for the most part, in the form of parables. I do NOT believe that is the infallible Word of the "one true God".
  • Fairy tales Self contradictory Sexist Homophobic Self denial One of the main causes of war Who knew that mental patients could write?
  • borrrrringggggg
  • Trying to arrive at a coherent and rational view of the Bible is difficult at best. Whether or not one views it as God's infallible and inerrant Word or not, the bottom line for the Christian is that Jesus, (Yeshua), is revealed as the reconciler of mankind to God. That, in the final analysis, is what I take away from it. Very simnple really.
  • honestly i find it boring..
  • I think it should be taken for what it is: as an historical book with a few good pointers in it.
  • Some interesting passages. But, among the long books I have looked at, I preferred Joyce's Ulysses.
  • Nonsensical ramblings is what it is.
  • It should have a capital 'B' otherwise I don't.
  • It's hilarious but there are a couple of plot holes in it. And the central protagonist comes over as a total arse for the first half and then has a completely unexplained change of character (although he does knock up some other guy's wife).
  • I think it is good but there are lots of pieces missing there which should be put back on.I still would like to know a lot of things without edits!
  • "The Christian's Bible is a drug store. Its contents remain the same; but the medical practice changes...The world has corrected the Bible. The church never corrects it; and also never fails to drop in at the tail of the procession- and take the credit of the correction. During many ages there were witches. The Bible said so. the Bible commanded that they should not be allowed to live. Therefore the Church, after eight hundred years, gathered up its halters, thumb-screws, and firebrands, and set about its holy work in earnest. She worked hard at it night and day during nine centuries and imprisoned, tortured, hanged, and burned whole hordes and armies of witches, and washed the Christian world clean with their foul blood." Mark Twain
  • It was written by man to control man. The "God" in the bible is an angry murderer, who decided after 4000 years to finally send love to the world. He has murdered many thousands of people in the great flood, including innocent children. There are some things to be learned from reading the bible, but overall it is a waste of time.
  • An interesting piece of historical literature.
  • for me its more powerful than a piece of literature, it came from god transcribed by man
  • All religions have a purpose... peaceful existence for the human kind. Every religion's book has a purpose. It's how we interpret them.
  • My honest opinion is that the bible is our best way of having any clue about God. I believe that the bible is true and that it has tons of spiritual and life lessons in it. I have no clue why some of it was included, like the genealogy or the dimensions of the temples, etc. but I know that to others, it can hold value. I love reading Proverbs and get totally lost when reading Revelations. My favorite version is the King James with all the traditional 'thees' and 'thous' I grew up hearing, but for sake of easier understanding, I'm glad there are also versions in more updated wording.
  • i honestly 100% don't have an opinion.. people believe what they want to believe.. some strongly belive its gods word other believe its a load of crap.. me i believe neither.. in neutral..
  • allegories and tales told from before man had written language passed down from generation to generation and evolving and changing over time to include different cultures and events (some factual, most not) as man perceived things back then. Over time as man spread out over the face of the earth these stories evolved even more (The bible, Gilgamesh, etc) and were eventually one version of these tales was written down by a bunch of men as a way of passing on our ancient knowledge and wisdom...somewhere along the way someone thought it would be a good idea to try to turn it into fact and then a religion and then started killing a bunch of people in it's name.
  • Im going to get burned for this, but you did want an HONEST opinion.. I find it to be a load of rubbish, I don't have a problem with anyone else who does live by it because it's their choice and I respect that. As long as you don't push your values on me, I will not push my Athiesm on you.
  • Load of bull. Period.
  • My honest opinion? That a lot of people have very strong opinions of it without ever having taken the time to read, interpret and fully understand it. That goes for followers of the Bible who use it to supplement their own agenda, as well as non-believers who regard it as a complete load without taking the time to realize there's some good stuff mixed in with the baloney that you don't have to be of any particular faith, or even theist, to see some truth in. No matter who you are, it's been around long enough that we can safely say it's not just a passing fad. It's meant too much and caused too many disputes to simply make a snap judgment on either for or against.
  • Good read but wouldn't win the Booker Prize
  • well this is easy i don't think god exists (no offence) like ya sure a coupple thousand years ago there could have been a smart person that found a 'modern' medicine and/or heled lots of people but that wouldn't make him a god. that is just my oppinion like i have no problem with the bible it is a personal matter... like if you beleve in UFOs or not same kinda of thing but nobody really worships aliens... or so i think not meaning to stab anyone in the face saying it is fake and a pile of sh** just saying not really and refer above just one small man's oppinion
  • It is a waste of natural resources. I threw all of mine into the recycling bin.
  • it makes a good guitar foot stand when combined with a few other books.
  • I love it never was able to read much in my life until I found the bible . I love the wisdom God offers us and the words that are His truths. Its an awesome way to grow spiritually.
  • Simply put, I agree with what Dave2222 said, and I quote ... "There is (are) some 200 versions of the bible it has been rewritten so many times is it even close to the original." Good question.
  • To me, the Bible is man's interpretation of events that they did not understand at the time, as well as a poetic writing of those who believed in and followed Christ. It is a beautiful and interesting book to read, no matter what your beliefs.
  • It is the word of God. So many times I have opened it up and read words that addressed the situation that I was experiencing. The reason that so many people find the bible to be useless or confusing is because they have never experienced the spiritual awakening that can only come from a personal relationship with God, through his Son Jesus.
  • I believe that it's an allegory for the related religions' beliefs on proper conduct, with an origin story and a belief of the afterlife to boot. I don't believe that it should be taken seriously as a historical, factual text, but as a series of examples on how a proper Protestant/Jew/Catholic/etc. should live, and what they've to live for. I also believe that, should the god in the Bible exist, that he wouldn't be too happy about how people fight over minor quibbles in the text, nor blindly follow the text to the overly-translated-and-revised letter. But, hey, I'm an atheist. Neg me as you please.

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