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  • They are not caused by your brain bleeding, nor will the drugs cause your brain to bleed. The visions you see are caused by the drug interacting with certain receptors in your brain to change how you see/hear/smell/feel.
  • LSD affects the neurotransmitters in your brain, causing them to fire many times when they would normally fire once. This is why you see trails. The optic nerves keep firing after the object moves, as if you where still seeing it.
  • Not caused by the brain bleeding. LSD disables the flters in the brain. With these flters down, more information can rush in. This is what causes the senses to overlap. Sensations such as seeing music and tasting colour are not uncommon without any filters to separate your senses.
  • LSD also affects the ego - and for want of a better phrase can temporarily dissolve parts of it and you see what is beyond - this combined with the effects on the neuro transmitters causes the hallucinations.
  • Well, there's a magical leprechaun inside everyones head, and when you take LSD or shrooms, he(there are no female leprechauns) gets high as shit and starts jumping around and kicking his legs about. Sometimes he accidently kicks the back of your eyes which causes cascading colors and visions. Also, sometimes he accidently kicks the insides of your ears which causes auditory hallucinations.
  • LSD is a Medicine, Timothly Leary is a HERO when it comes to consiousness.

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