• im having some trouble getting them on it might take a few minutes...
  • Here they are... finely...
  • pretty good...but do u sketch people or only animals?
  • Those are good sketches, if you framed them you could most likely sell them if you live someplace where there are a large enough number of people to appreaciate it, if you live in a small town I wouldnt bother. Your art is good, people like that type of thing, my concern is that you may not be able to get a porportional amount of money for the amount of time and effort you gave to create them. You can also sell them at any number of stores, I dont like the example but head shops often take hommade clothing, bags and origional artwork. Best of luck.
  • cool sketches ...just get your self some frames to put them in and away you go ... goodonya!!
  • Wow, those are great. I'm jealous. :) I've never been a great critic, but I honestly can't see anything that needs improvement. Have you ever tried landscapes?
  • Wow they are sure do have a lot of talent and I can't see anything that needs improving. I love the third one on the top row the most. I am sure you will do very well with selling your art work.
  • You are great!!! Wow. I love your art work! You can check out some of mine @ Eventually I would like to do the same for people.
  • They are very good!!! Very good!!!

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