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  • this is what im going through right now its so awful, ive had to come into bed after taking paracetamol and crying a little lol, hopefully it will go away soon but i think its just the whole yuckiness of it all and how bad u feel that makes u feel sick? us poor girls ! xXx
  • What medication are you taking? If you are taking the "normal" meds for cramps, you need to take them with food. Another thing that will help is taking birth control pills. I don't know how your parents may feel about that, but it really does help regulate your period and helps with the cramping.
  • i have the same exact thing...i get them sooooo bad that im just rolling around on the bed and when i take medacine it makes everything worse and it DOES make me throw upp... i usually put a hot wash cloth on my stomache and it helps a little but its still SOOOO baddd my mom is taking me to the doctor to see what theyy can do for meee.. (im 16 by the wayy) and she said that they might give me a type of birth control for itt... hopefully it helpsss! haha

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