What else answer is there? I'd drive her with no questions asked. I'm a loyal friend and I'd stand behind any decision that person makes.
if she wants to than it sher choice give her your honest opinon and help her i personally am against abortion but if its the only choice than sometimes if you stop them they may get angry so just suggest and help
I would be supportive of what ever decision they make but I would try to talk them out of it unless they were on drugs & were unable to get any help or they were raped. It sounds like they are scared & want you for morale support.
This is your friend, she needs you. Don't let her down. If you are against abortions you could talk to her. Regardless this is YOUR friend. I would help my friend, and would not judge her either, stand by your friend. She really needs you.
I'd go with her no doubt, it's not my business to question or judge her, just to be a friend.
It is none of my business to question her judgment. Of course, I would support her in any way I could, with taxi service and ice cream and chick flicks afterward, if need be.
This did happen to me when I was in high school.. I took her & waited there for her, then took her right home. It actually brought us closer as friends
It would be her choice to make with her life, not mine. I would go and comfort her, regardless of her choice. My friends are just extended family to me.
I take her. I'd be a sounding board for whatever she felt she needed to talk about. No pressure from me, no judgement. She's my best friend. There will be a time for me to voice my opinions or questions about this with her at another time.
Personally, I wouldn't take her because I don't believe in abortion. My friends know this and understand, so that issue would never arise. I don't judge them if they do get one, though. You can call me mean if you would like, but hey, that's just me. What you do is your choice and what I do is mine. To each his or her own. :)
I would be there to support them in a rough time, because I feel it is their decision to make. I would go with them, and I would help them however I could. I would talk to her about it, so that she can think through all the options including adoption and possibly keeping the baby, so that I know she has thought it through completely.
Honestly for me an aborition goes against all me morals... so for me to go even with my best friend wouldnt be right... i would say you no what i can't support you on this one. and I dunno if i could see the person the same... but then again right now all my friends and I have the same standing on abortion... i would still be their friend tho as hard as it might seem to be
i woudl do it. but if you cant handle going thats your decision.
The only thing I'd say is "Are you sure that's what you want?" And if they said Yes, then of course I'd go. It's not up to me to make her decisions for her. As her friend it is my duty to support her in any way that I can. If that means being her chauffer to and from the hospital/clinic- then I will do that. I'd probably hang around her at home a bit after too, to offer support, even if all we're doing is hanging out watching TV.
I have done that for a friend when we were both in our 20's. I have to support my friends no matter what the crisis is.
I would say "Yes, I'm here for you, whatever you need. We can take my care and I'll take the day off to take care of you."
Yes. I would hold her hand or whatever she needed me to do when I went with her too. That's got to be the hardest decision she could ever possibly make and will need someone who really cares about her to be supportive to her.
I would. I would support my friend. It is not anyone's right to tell a woman what she can do with her body.
Yes, definitely. I would also feel flattered that she trusts me and feels so comfortable with me.
This happened to me too. I took my friend, stayed with her and then brought her home with me to look after her whilst she recovered as she didn't want anybody to know about it. Morally I could never do it myself - I have 2 wonderful children and would like more - but sometimes you have to put your own feelings aside and think of others first. I still love my friend dearly and I know for her - she made the right choice at that time in her life.
Of course, but i don't think any of my friends would really get an abortion. BUT if they did for some reason i'd go with them.
Unless her life is in immediate danger, friends know when to tell friends no. She would thank me later.
I would absolutely go. I'd make sure that was what she wanted, and I'd be there.
No matter your views on this subject, a friend of 15 years is just that. She reached out to you because she needed you, so be there for her and help in any capacity you can, maybe by talking to her, listening to her, helping her understand if she is making the right decsion or not or just by holding her hand.
I would never even consider having an abortion but if she had thought it out and knew that that was what she needed to do i would support her!
Of course I would go - she's going through enough already and if she thinks I am the best person to help her through this, then I would be there with her.
Yes, if we are friends I will help her unconditionally and probably she will do the same if happened to me. The only explanation is called friendship.
I would support her completely. I might be pretty angry with her if it were anything but her first abortion but I wouldn't kill our friendship. Being non-judgmental is a very big step in the best of friendships. In my mind, I have many acquaintances but very few true, strong friends.
I would say okay having this baby would be the worst desicion of your life so lets go
To me, it would sound like, "Hey, I can't afford all my kids. Would you help me kill the 3 year old? She's the easiest one to kill." It is her choice, but I still wouldn't support her.
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