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  • Yes. Two times I took acid and the mood just wasn't right. It caused my trip to go bad- and it's very hard to recover from a bad trip. Usually, once it goes bad you are going to stay that way until it's over. The only way I can explain it is that you feel like everything is going absolutely wrong and everything is life-threatening. You go in circles from one panic-fear state to another. Even things that are not bad you will blow out of proportions because they feel very real to you. Once I made the mistake of taking acid when I had to drive later. I got paranoid on the drive and was certain that I was going to run off the road and kill myself. My friend said I seemed to be driving fine, though. I had things to do later so I was paranoid I would miss them and I really wanted the experience to be over. I tried to lay down, but I saw some dust on a fan and thought the fan was covered in bees. I was terrified. I thought if I laid there it would blow the bees on me, but if I moved they would chase me. A bad trip is like being insane for a few hours.
  • I guess you could say that. I think it was mostly because I took 5 pain killers and snorted one then smoked some trees earlier in the day. I think it would've been better if I wasn't puking all night. but I couldn't look at my friend because her eyes would look like they were glowing red then they would go completely black. but I couldn't seem to stop laughing at everything.
  • No thank god. I have done ALOT of Acid in my younger days... i knew this one guy who was having a "BAD TRIP," he climbed up a tree and stayed there for 8 hours.... Couple days later said he was freeked out thats why he climbed up a tree. If you have good people / friends around you when you do it you should be okay...
  • No, but i have had bad acid, to much rat poison, my gut had horrible pain and my whole head felt like it needed to be removed.
  • I had a bad trip last night. Thankfully I overcame it and bounced back and turned it back into a good trip. I was in an apt and felt like the walls were closing in one me i was even scared to get in the elevator. I made my friend go withe me outside for a little while and everything got better from there. Music helped also. I just really felt like i needed more stimulation.
  • Its not that bad man. Every trip is a bad trip you just have to relax and remember that it will eventually end man its not that bad. I had a brainscan done after tripping over 100 times on acid and the doc said i was perfectly fine. He said the chemical levels in my head were nearly 100% normal.
  • Yes. The one and only time I took acid I had a very long bad trip. It was like a bad dream I couldn't wake up from.
  • Yes... it was awful... things started out great... we were peaking and laughing and having a great time... we got back to my friends apartment and were sitting on his couch again laughing and telling jokes... when all of a sudden the room started spinning... fast, then it would reverse and spin backwards... I got really scared and didnt understand anything that was going on... you know when you are little and you stand in one place and spin around in a circle to get dizzy? Thats exactly what it felt like except 100 mph... apparently i started crying and yelling for it to stop. It didn't. The spinning did slow but with the spinning came different perceptions of the room and with the different perceptions of the room came different perceptions of the people in the room. This is very hard to explain so I am going to do my best. One minute I was looking at my boyfriend and talking to him and the next he was talking in circles repeating himself saying the same thing over and over again.. I begged him to quit thinking he was messing with me... He wasn't it was the acid. This continued through out my trip and it became very hard to distinguish what was real from what wasn't real. Along with my boyfriend and friend talking in circles and saying the same things over and over again they would repeat the same actions over and over again. I am serious when I tell you I couldn't find reality. It was the scariest feeling of my entire life. Throughout my trip I somehow got in the mindset that I was in a coma and trying to wake up... and that they were some how talking to me and I could hear them. There were points where I would be in the room with my bf (he never left my side) and I wouldn't see anyother person in there with me. These voices I heard in my so called "coma" were encouraging me to find them.. this happend to be the reality I was so desperately looking for. I didnt know what to do I was so scared, at one point, trying to determine if anyone else was with me in the room or if i was indeed by myself I got the idea to strip naked. Thinking .. " if i am in here with other people they will stop me" It worked.. I have to kind of laugh at it now thinking how completely idiotic i must have looked. But thinking about the feelings I felt and the emptyness that consumed me still scares me to this day. The things I have described were only the beginning... There is so much to this I don't think I have the patience or the nerve to sit here and type it all out... Eventually I did find reality. My boyfriend took me to my place and tried to get me to eat a little. I was still having a bad trip but since I was coming down it wasn't nearly as intense. I do remember him being on the phone while we were sitting on the grass in front of the parking lot to my apt. and him saying something... Idk what but it triggered it... the parking lot jumped at me and all at once everything got darker... it scared me and I wanted to go inside... I didnt sleep that night... I think partly I was too scared I was going to go back into it... But there are some times (even though I have never ever done acid again) that I feel like im going to slip back into my trip and it scares the hell out of me... my suggestion... don't do it... some might say i didnt have the right mind set or i wasnt in the right setting... I was in the perfect mindset I was happy and laughing and I was at a friends apt where i had been on numerous occasions, and felt very comfortable being there... Some things are just out of our control and when your subconsious mind takes over its very hard to get that control back
  • I had bad trip ON LSD I SMOKED POT TOOK PILLS N SPEED FOR MANY YEARS HAD ONE BAD TRIP NOW I CURNT SMOKE BUD OR TAKE ANY DRUGS ENDED UP IN HOSPITAL GIVEN ME SHT TO SLOW ME HART RATE DOWN LASTED FOR 15 HOURES SCARED THE SHT OUT ME I WAS 15 NOW 17 N STILL COMES ON EVERY HOUR N THEN HOW CAN I GET OVER IT N TAKE DRUGS AGEN PILLSS N SPEED ??? EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT TRYING IT SCARED I DIE OR HAVE HEART ATACK my hole body went num every body in hospital looked like they were dying thout embalence was flying i just thout i was guna dye n it sucs i loved xtacy pills n weed now curnt take it expesly weed me heart starts pumping crazy wat should i do ????

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