• yes codine meds. will give a false reading
  • Poppy seeds will create a false positive.
  • A false positive is possible on almost any test. In fact, in some cases false positives are more common than *actual* positives. Consider, for a moment, a test for a disease which affects 1 in 100,000 people. The test is 99% accurate. So, for every 1,000,000 million people tested, 10 have the disease. However, because the test is only 99% accurate, 10,000 people will receive false positive results. So with these numbers, 9,990 people who receive positive results do *not* have the disease! I apologize for seizing the opportunity to lecture about game theory there--it's just so dang fascinating to me! The short answer is yes, you can get a false positive on a drug test.
  • I work for a drug testing lab after it comes back postive we run whats called a GC/MS that tells us if it was Cocaine or something else.
  • I have tested positive for cocaine, but not the metabolites 3 times after hair testing by trichotech in Cardiff. I have NOT taken cocaine in any way or form. I am also the 15th person that I am aware of to have received positive test results after not taking cocaine. There is a link below to other people who have been tested by trichotech who have since proved the reults of cocaine found in their hair sample tests are not accurate. Normally between 3.2 and 4.6 showing as their results. I have had two other hair test samples screened and they show negative, both screened at two other testing labs in the UK The third which I received results from today, Trichotech shows positive for cocaine, NOT for it's metabolites. Mark Waines, London. UK

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