• You have to say which guitar it is. Is it the white wireless RedOctane guitar? And is it the first time you used it?
  • I have the same problem with the white wireless red octane guitar for ps2. It isn't working, just a blinking red light on the controller and I tried new batteries. The console light is red. Is it broken or am I doing it wrong?
  • I have the same problem just bought the game
  • take your guitar apart and inspect the circuit board. if you see a loose pin/terminal or a solder connection that looks dull then that is most likely the problem. A good connection is usually shiny. Using a precision soldering iron with a small tip, carefully resolder that connection. I fixed one like that today, now it works 100%.
  • I just bought the GH III bundle pack with the Kramer wireless guitar controller and I'm having theexact same problem, did everything like it said on the intructions manual but nothing worked, the red light on my guitar just keeps blinking, actually it blinks for a little while and then stops blinking at all, and it just won't work. It would be great if someone could help me out here, don't wanna have to take the guitar back..
  • My redoctane guitar is doing the same thing. I hope someone knows how to fix this. Mine is the White Wireless that came in the 80s bundle.
  • I found out that the receiver was the problem. I cleaned the contacts and it worked.
  • Kramer wireless guitar that came with PS2 Guitar Hero 3 has red light blinking and wont work, even with new batteries. Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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