• As far as the sciences go, I found the more I studied that Psychology was really Biology (neurology etc.) Biology was really Chemistry (enzymes, biological chemical reactions) Chemistry was really Physics (atomic structure defines chemical reactions) and Physics was largely Mathematics (formulas, formulas, formulas) Basically, if you are solid in math, you will easily understand Physics and backwards through the list.
  • Because it is true. What we see in mathematics is fact, there is no way to argue against it. If something follows the true basic laws of mathematics then it is true. Something could follow the basic laws of physics or chemistry ect but still be untrue (example: F=MA is true for all objects except those travelling close to C or those on a nano scale, in both cases F=MA needs adjusting).
  • Because math is awesome. That's all!
  • I would say because Math never lies :)
  • Mathematics is a tool Mathematics is a a discipline Mathematics is extensible As a tool mathematics supports the investigation of other sciences. As a discipline mathematics can take you as far as you are willing to put the effort towards. to wit: the development of several kinds of calculus; set theory; topology; string theory; and hundreds more. That it is extensible is continuously observable. As long as the practitioner remains self consistent, mathematics supports the heights of what ever vision you have. The mathematical "experiment" occurs in the cognitive portions of the brain, and is very rewarding. Mathematics deserves to be called a science, a pure, extensible, experimental, science. Submitted Ed
  • probably because math can be applied to almost anything.

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