I saw one up a tree once!
we are doughDid it blunt your saw...?
Absolutely!! My ex-boyfriend and I used to blow smoke in his cat's face, and then she would get very hyper. Pot had an opposing effect on his cat than it has on most humans, almost resembling a speed equivalent. I know it was mean and we shouldn't have probably tortured her~
Yes, you ever seen them with Catnip.
most of the cats I've had love toys with catnip. But one cat I had years ago actually shredded up a toy until the catnip was all over the carpet. I found him rolling all over the carpet in the catnip. He was absolutely whacked out on the catnip!
Yes. goodness. Yes. =P
Catnip for most cats makes them a bit loopy. But it's a genetic thing (a vet told me about this long ago), some cats don't react to it. But most do.
Why don't you walk around the neighborhood and ask one?
Cats can get what's called 'contact high'. If you're smoking pot in a small room with someone that isn't smoking it, they will eventually get high too anyway.
This is the highest cat I've ever seen . . .
Of course they can. I heard of one that went all the way up the Eiffel Tower.
Of course they can...
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