• Like the old Lenny Bruce one "If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses". Or the Bill Hicks one "Do you think wearing a cross is really a good way to make Jesus happy? Maybe that's why he hasn't returned yet. 'Once the fish comes back in I'm there'. Kinda insensitive really. Like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant and saying 'just thinking of John, Jackie... we loved him'"
  • Facetious question and not very original either.
  • no and i don't bear a cross on my back.
  • The cross was originally considered offensive to Christians. It has since been reclaimed to be empowering so to speak. Much in the same way some African Americans and women use names that were originally intended to offend to identify themselves
  • I thought the worshiping a cross violated the 2nd commandment. "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form ANYTHING IN HEAVEN ABOVE or the earth below. You shall not bow down before them or worship them"
  • no, but i don't wear a cross either.
  • You can say I'm being pedantic (perhaps a little pendantic too) but it's not the cross that's worn around the neck in the sense implied by the phrase "noose around your neck" it's a chain that goes around the neck. The cross hangs on the chain as a pendant.
  • No, we must gather shoes.... . . .
  • If you're looking for a parallel, Christians would likely have "hanging" statues instead and wear little noose shaped ornaments on chains, rather than crosses. The idea may seem morbid to some, but in a universe where such a thing may have happened they might look to our universe and think the same thing :)
  • interesting, food for thought - points
  • Jesus actually was hanged, there is just a missed translation. That's precisely why the Pope doesn't wear a cross.
  • No, and I don't wear a cross, not all christian do the same as other christians. Our beliefs forbid us to have an image of things like that. Deuteronomy 4:16-19 In His Name :)
  • I do not really wear jewelry, and I do not like putting so much emphasis on the cross as a symbol(it was a pagan symbol originally) but rather what was done on the cross by God Almighty for our salvation. Jesus was hanged on a tree--a cross--according to the Bible. He was nailed to and hanged upon a cross(also called a tree in the Bible) to bleed and die for our sins. If He had been hanged with a rope then I could be saved because His blood had to be shed for our sins. If He would have simply died but not shed one drop of blood, then His death would be useless and we would all burn in Hell forever. Thank God for the cross of Calvary and the blood of Jesus! May God bless you! :D -In Jesus' Name.
  • That would be rather ironic.
  • well, if he were hung by the Romans, I would have meant that his neck (or at least his Hyoid bone) would be broken, so that would mean that He was not the Messiah..... So I doubt that Christians would wear nooses around their necks.
  • I thought (although this may just be me and my silly cultures view on your religion) that the reason it is such a symbol of Jesus' sacrifice is that is a very long, drawn out horrible death, whereas hanging is quick and less painful? So if Jesus was hanged, maybe people would not care so much (like, say "meh, it wasn't so bad)?
  • Maybe. If it became socially acceptable to do so and let other believes identify you as a follower. The crucifix wasn't the symbol the early church used - they used a shepherd carrying a lamb upon his shoulders. Then fish and other symbols. They are just symbols, not idols, they hold no power at all and they are not being glorified.
  • Good question i dont where a cross but i suppose people would just wear small golden nooses
  • Ha ha. Very funny. What ever happened to the fear of the Lord?
  • You shall not make for yourself an image representing any form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath the heavens or as found in the waters below the earth. [Deuteronomy 5:8] A cross is a three dimensional representation (form) of a Roman execution device. Followers of Yeshua HaMashiah don't need props. People should be able to notice enough of a difference in them that props wouldn't be necessary. People who "actually" follow Yeshua's teachings also live as though they believe those teachings. They are peaceful, gentle, kind, and compassionate individuals that try to live as peacefully as they can with people around them.
  • Hilariously disturbing mental image= People walking around with a noose with a dead guy swinging from it around their necks. Would sell billions though I am sure.
  • Great question.Of course Christians would wear a noose around their necks. They'd wear a noose around their you-know-whats if Pat Robertson told them to. The real question is whether Mel Gibson would be able to get enough blood out of a hanging to make an S&M film.
  • It is likely. Not that it would have happened, not likely that that it would be mimicked to show respect.
  • Idiot "Jesus Freaks" would.
  • Of course not nor do I wear a cross. But I do have a collar around my neck when I wear a shirt, does that count? :)
  • Interestingly enough, there is an extra-biblical Jewish record of the execution of one Yesu (Jesus in Greek) during the time we consider to be Jesus' death mentioning him as having been "hung" for blasphemy. However, it makes sense that they would have referred to the crucifixion as this. Firstly because technically he was "hung" on a cross. And secondly because crucifixion was not a permitted Jewish execution, so they would not have recorded it as a crucifixion.
  • What if he's been stretched out on the rack till his shoulders were ripped from his body? What IF he's had his head held under water in a toilet till he drowned? How about just something less dramatic like a heart attack? Would they have a blood clot around their necks if he died from a stroke?
  • Only if it was Bullwinkle.
  • no, that would be really uncomfortable
  • No. That would be either racist or cultural appropriation, depending on your viewpoint.

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