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  • To some people in some parts of the world, this is not a problem. We can do our best but sometimes 'bad' things happen. I am not a Muslim but I hope my advice is good for you. Pray to your God, tell him everything. He already knows but it is good for you to confess (sort of like letting Him know you know!). Pray quietly and away from all other people. No one else has to hear you. Only God need know. Ask for His forgiveness, beg God for a good husband. Ask Him to let you be a good wife. (So many people try so hard and yet still have problems. We forget that God would like to help, if only we let Him.) I know a lady who once asked God for a good husband and God delivered. Many years later they are still in a great marriage. (I haven't tried asking Him for a wife yet. I don't know why.) I hope all goes well for you. May God bless you.
  • just do what we called in Esalam ((el tawba)) or what called by english repentance and make it from all of your heart Allah with u
  • Try to talk to someone normal (psychologist or some other professional if it's available where you live). Your society seems very problematic, you need to talk to someone real who can tell you there's nothing wrong with what you did and what to do next. There is solution to your problem. Unlike Peetee I think God can't help yopu much, sorry.
  • well you may have to find a man to marry in another region where muslism isnt so domintant.
  • you should do whatever it takes to be happy, if a potential husband cannot accept you for who and what you are he isnt worth having.
  • I think you firstly need to deal with your feelings of guilt from a mental health perspective. It just isn't healthy. I don't think much of any man who "accepts" or "rejects" a woman like he's shopping for produce. Why would you want to "accept" such a man for yourself? Does he or does he not love and respect you as an individual? How he reacts to whether or not you've had sex in the past says far more about him than it does about you. Now, the rest of my advice depends upon your society. I don't know where you live, and in some societies your life is in danger if you are a female and believed (a hymen is not an indicator of sexual activity, as I have addressed on many threads) to not be a virgin on your wedding night. Since you talk about whether or not he will "accept" you, I think it is probable that you live in a society where you will face very real ramifications (if not precisely death) for this. If that is the case, I urge you to see a doctor if you can. Believe it or not, they have procedures where a hymen (if you were born with one) can be restitched and restored. A restored hymen and your silence will protect you. If you do not live in a society where you face very real danger (emotional, physical, social isolation), I suggest you read some of the following links: I also want you to consider that only 1 of Mohammed's wives was a virgin when he married her. This attitude you describe has much to do with cultural tradition and less to do with Islam.
  • Your 20 years old, dont rush yourself into marriage regarldess if your muslim and how will your "future husband" know if your a virgin or not. If you truly believe you wont be accepted because of your sexual past, im afraid to say this but LIE, pretend you've never had sex.
  • if this is the problem don't marry in muslim judge your partner then talk if u think that he understand if not don't worry leave him but don't take any false step it's all right all will go right ...many handsome boys are available for u.....
  • i personaly am for pre-marital sex, i think sex is just part of life..... but if you feel this strongly about it there are ways to make urself a vigin again, both spiritually and physically
  • Isn't that usually the rich families with reputation requirements? If a girl has been touched, carassed and lost of viginity. The family and the man would reject her.
  • I can understand your plight as i know some Muslim womem who ve lost it B4 marriage! but they have consulted a Doc who can get hymen stitched, Try luck...caution :- Not all Docs will be ready 2 do that so watch out and dont get caught by your community! in addition "ITS A RISKY PROCESS

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