• Nothing comes next, as there are no more terms in this sequence. You'll just have to use "four times," "five times," and so on for anything more than thrice! And no, "quince" is not "five times" -- it's a fruit. ;-) [] []
  • Thats fierce. To research and answer that is. Apparently we can't do it more than three times. It's somewhat analogous to the ordinals, first, second and even third, are seperate distinct words, the rest just add 'th';fourth, fifth, thousandth, gazillionth. What would four times be? Force? But the vowels in two and three got changed to "I" so firce? ( The words actually used to be the number with 'se' added, onese, twose, threese, but they morphed into easier things to get ones tongue and pence... uh, pen around. ( Besides onses, twose, etc. could easily be confused with the stages involved in playing jacks.) So fourse? And how would we pronounce sixce. Its all a farce , it makes me tense just to think about. It wasn't very nince of you to cause me such head eightce.
  • I do the same thing when I count out, two, three, another, another, another :-) Update as of 3/10/06: Yeah, but if I use and, I lose track and count and just start stuttering....and, and and and and.....
  • Politicans - vote 'em in once and they're on their best behaviour ... Vote for them twice and hoo boy! No wonder very few ever get voted in thrice. "Twice" comes from the Old English word twiga, meaning 'two' and it means "in two cases or on two occasions; two times; in doubled degree or amount." The terms are pretty much interchangeable ... almost. You do need to be aware of keeping parallel structure in your sentences. So you can be "once, twice, thrice a lady" but if you're at all concerned about the well-being of your grammar, you won't be "once, twice, three times a lady." Interestingly there are no English words to describe things that are four or five times the degree or amount. So you can vote for someone once or twice and you can be thrice-lucky, but that's as far as it goes. A quince is not something that's five times as lucky ... it's just a shrivelled up piece of fruit. From the net.
  • i was thinking maybe a good way to make up the rest is base the prefixes from the latin roots that we use for counting the number of sides of a shape, you know tetragon pentagon but then it would change for 6 times, so here we go: tetrice, pentice, sextice, septice, octice, nonice, decice (dek-ice). Not that any of these would ever be useful, it would work though... just something fun to think about...
  • Boobs!
  • Um I give up , what comes next
  • Thrice plus one, thrice plus two, thrice plus three....
  • Once, Twice, Thrice, Fourfold, Fivefold, Sixfold, Sevenfold, Eightfold, Ninefold, Tenfold, 11fold and so on as in: 'two times adverb by a factor of two; "the price increased twofold last year' - Source: - Wordnet and a synonym of 'two times' is 'twice' similar example: 'four times adverb by a factor of four; "the price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years" [syn: fourfold]' notice the [syn:]...? :)
  • I don't know. May be frice or terta-ice or maybe quatraice
  • I know an old trucker, who delivers all the ice......
  • It's "Once, twice, three times a lady".

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