• For me, it's better to paint one complete coat of one color (preferably the lighter one), then paint the darker stripes over it. Here's some info :,,HGTV_3384_3395588,00.html
  • OMG...lmao...please just paint the base color then you can use PAINTER'S tape to set your spaced lines... I would like to see you here sane of mind and the very thought of painting each individual line in a whole room or even just a single enough to drive a sane person totally daft!
  • All things are relative with our base and stripe colors. This is extremely important to remember. Needless to say, we know what happens when we choose poorly. While the correct choice of colors will yield a very exciting room with a pleasant atmosphere. There are two basic ways to pinstripe a wall and here they are; A. Use a flat base paint on your chosen walls; and after it dries, apply evenly spaced clear glossy stripes or B. Using a flat light base color, apply darker stripes. When painting pinstripes, the usual order of business is to first decide upon the choice of colors. We must determine what color our base paint will be; and then decide what color our stripes will be. Hence, if you decide to use contrasting colors, like beige and brown, then you should use the lightest color (beige) as the base paint. Please choose wisely and enjoy your new room. Cordially, Tony

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