• He's not going to get much joy searching for sex through google, and anyway he could of just typed it in for a laugh to see what came up! If I were you I would keep secret the fact that you know his password so that you can find out perhaps if he actually does cheat on you. This is what happened to me, I use a Keylogger program that runs on my PC and records everything that is typed into a text file. I then found out my girlfriend was trying to have an affair. The guy couldn't quite be bothered, it wasn't quite 'on a plate' enough for him, or maybe he just wanted to cheat on his wife only through email, whatever, it seems not much actually happened even though she tried to make it happen. Needless to say this information was very useful to me when it came to important decisions. Relax about it, I think there's nothing wrong with trying to find out things about someone you care about, though it depends on your motive.
  • As others have pointed out, you are on the horns of a dilemma: you found out by subterfuge but you still want to resolve the situation. There is good advice in the other answers, but I would like to make an additional point. If you even suspect that he is cheating physically, go to your primary health provider and have yourself tested for STDs. If the 'looking to get laid' hunt was successful, he is putting your health at risk and he has no right to do that without your knowledge and consent. If the tests come back positive, you have a perfectly legitimate reason to confront him about his extra-relationship activity without revealing that you invaded his privacy. You want to open the issue of health without the messy issue of trust and this is the avenue by which to do it. He might come clean, so to speak, if there is a medical reason to. If the tests come back negative, it doesn't mean that he is not cheating. But be vigilant for any other signs, either behavoural or medical, that might send you back for another test . The above all presume that you are not comfortable just opening up a conversation with a 'what if' scenario just to get the issue on the table. He might have been just exploring, curious or any number of things; a friend or someone else may have been using his computer when the search took place. His guilt or innocence have not been established here, but, for your own sake, you need to know one way of the other.
  • If your afraid to ask him directly you could ask him a series of questions concerning your relationship and take in the feedback from his answers.(Not all at once, of course.) His answers and reactions from the questions should provide you with alot of the information you need as far as where you are in your relationship. I do not agree with what I am about to type for you but I will. If he is talking to other women on the internet, you could set him up to meet you somewhere using a fake name. If he shows up, you would know if he is "looking to get laid". I do not agree with this method because it would say to me that you do not trust him at all. Without trust you do not have much of a relationship.
  • Don't panic yet. Maybe he was just looking for some 'reading material' to assist in some solo sex? Is this one search all you have to go on? No other signs or odd behavior? You could take the sneaky, dishonest approach and check back for more information. But, if you suspect something more, you'll have to get it out in the open.
  • Hmmmm. Dug yourself into a hole, haven't you. I don't think you can do anything - after all, he hasn't really done anything other than look on the computer. Tuck the information away though, and be aware that there may be stuff going on with him that you don't know about.
  • stop snooping around
  • I know what I want to do now. I'm going to go look that up and see what comes up. mwahahaha. :) -edit- Ha-ha. Your question pops up as #6 on the list. Seriously, though. Stop being so paranoid. Ask yourself if you trust him. If you don't, you may want to let him go. If you do, you may want to let it go.
  • Keep your lips sealed and keep checking up on him. hee hee hee.. It is all harmless. You have the power :P
  • the best thing you could do is to be the woman you want to be...there's a bool "women men love. women men leave"...i would suggest reading this, deciding which kind of woman you want to be and then behave accordingly. as far as the manner in which you found out about his search...what was going on that you felt the need to put a keylogger program on your's not something i've ever felt the need for so something is going on...
  • Get yourself a throwaway email account. Use it to send a message to his personal email with title "bored looking to get laid" saying something like "Google told me you were looking to get laid" - and see if he responds. If he does, you should be able either to lead him on or wind him up. You will learn a bit more about him either way.
  • Yeah well it will depend on how long you have been together? I have been married for 10 years, have many porn on my computer, that didn't bother me..I started going through phone bills after I found wife swap??????yeah it all came out he has an if your not happy move on, I know that's hard,you do need to ask him about it...I told my husband that I had found all first he was mad...that's normal...they have been found to him....xo
  • You really want to know? I would leave this boyfriend, because the relationship sounds rocky on both sides, and neither of you sounds mature enough to sustain it. I would wait until you find someone you can trust without feeling the necessity to spy on them.
  • Stay off your boyfriend's computer. If you can't handle the truth, don't seek it. If you don't trust him, don't go out with him. You're too young for a really serious relationship. Even married people have privacies. It isn't lying, it's practical.
  • hmmmmm, if he's bored looking to get laid, where might you fit in this picture?
  • Well you have a few can fess up to the fact that you snooped and ask 'what the f**k?'...or you can give him what he wants...a bit more attention in the bedroom...or you can play head games...choose whatever will give the best outcome for yourself...
  • Many people enjoy searching on the Internet for all kinds of things, rock singers, one armed monkeys, bearded ladies... it doesn't mean they're going to jump into bed with each of these. But I sure as hell wouldn't hang around with someone who felt so insecure and "superior" as to snoop on me and be judgmental.
  • Two things. Confront him and then dump him. The only real solution.
  • Who gives a shit if he knows that you know his password? And who knows if he was looking of a movie title or something else? You sure don't. So, confront his stupid ass and make him fess up. If he wouldn't do it in real life, why the hell does he think it's okay to do it over the internet? If he doesn't have a valid explanation for it... BREAK UP WITH HIM.
  • you should relax.honestly. your getting worked up over nothing probably. because your probably some teenage puppy love thing. i respect that trust me i do but you have to realize that its not worth it,some things are better just left alone.why start bs drama over a google search..
  • Dump him so he can move on to a good woman who trusts him enough to not snoop through his shit...
  • Why would you think it's ever ok to spy on your boyfriend? It isn't. If someone did that to me it would be a dealbreaker. Second, what did you expect to find, and how did you think you would handle it when you hatched this scheme of spying? Obviously you didn't think this through at all. If you don't trust the person you're with, communicate. Let him know your fears and let him know that you think being open is the solution, have a loving discussion. TALK! Spying on someone you "love" is wrong, wrong, wrong.
  • It could be he left out the words "by my wife" or it could be he was just that, bored and wanted to see what would come up. See if he actually went to any of the sites. Honestly when I'm bored I look up stuff like that all the time, but I never actually click on any of it. Just get some more info, but don't ask him directly or the passwords going to be changed!!! Depends on how OK you are with snooping I guess.
  • Stop spying on your boyfriend! How would you react if he read your diary! :)
  • Well first of all you shouldn't be spying on him. Ask yourself, are you putting out for him, if not this could be why hes a bit frustrated. Even if both of you don't want to have sex before marriage, its not a bad thing to look at things on the net or type stupid things in like this to search for. What is bad is not trusting, a jealous non trusting relationship is a real real pain in the butt, trust me i have been in one before.
  • lay him
  • Stop sleeping with him so you don't get cooties!
  • ha, first of all...dont go snooping around his personal business!do you really think he is going to get laid over the internet? you dont trust him and you never did, if you had to figure out his passwords. If want to be with him... dont complain. if you dont then leave him. If once it starts to get personal nd he goes meet up with other women then tell him. but i doubt he is. Try doing different sexual things with him that are very erotic!
  • Well, first of all, stop snooping. If you were my girlfriend, I'd dump you the second I knew you broke my trust and started going through my computer. Secondly, get over it. Guys like sex. Perhaps he isn't getting enough of it, and was looking for a creative solution to the problem. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
  • if it is bothering you really bad then you have to be honest with him to have a healthy relationship. let him know that you have found his password and you went through his search engine talk to him about it and go from their hun. good luck
  • One shouldn't snoop, but now that you have the easy solution would be to screw him silly. If you want to talk to him about it you can, but his defense will be..."you shouldn't snoop" and it will probablly create more problems then it will fix. get him in the sack...and get creative
  • Stop invading his privacy! When you snoop you only get part of the picture and when you are looking for something incriminating you usually find it. You don't know why that search term was there and with certainty who entered it right? If your lack trust leads you to spy I would say there is something wrong with either you or the relationship. Time for a lot more soul searching and a lot less snooping.
  • Take what you learned and keep it in mind. Don't assume too much. Just don't forget about what you found. Let his benefit of the doubt expire.
  • You break up with him, no questions asked.
  • Do a bunch of searches for gay porn on his account. He'll be spammed like crazy. LOL!!!
  • He could have just been bored and looking to get laid by you and thought it would be funny or fun to see what came up. He was probably just looking for porn. But I would say, "So what kind of stuff do you look up on the internet, anything dirty?" Give him a chance to redeem himself.
  • Dump him. Cause he if he hasn't cheated on you, he will. Date someone else and until they give you a reason, like this jerk did... trust them. but don't pry don't confront, just leave. it's always better when you know you are right.
  • Get him un-bored & then get him laid.
  • If you trust him, don't snoop around in his stuff. If you don't trust him, don't date him.
  • I have another idea for you. Put your profile on the sights he's looked at. See, if you get any responses from him. Then you can meet him and break up with him at that point. I think I'd make it a very public break-up.
  • Walk away quietly...unless you like pain
  • I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't snoop, because several other people have already done that, and you can't undo what you've done. In this situation, the best thing to do would be to break up with him quietly. Do not tell him about what you found. If you did, he would simply use that opportunity to deflect attention from himself and his cheating behavior. Then, learn a lesson from this situation and find better ways of dealing with your suspicions in the future.
  • Look for a new BF.... LOL
  • If you don't trust him, then break up with him.
  • Find another boyfriend. +5
  • If that's all you found I wouldn't be too worried.
  • Make a profile on whatever network he was on and talk to him...have fun with it and then you can decide to tell him if it was you or not.
  • Social Engineering at it's best, or maybe just hacking. Well invading someones privacy, not a very good idea. I assume you didn't trust him, and that would be the same when he finds out you did that. Basically your relationship is over in my opinion. Even if he did that search without joking, or just seeing what it would bring up. I am guilty of searching some crazy stuff just to see what comes up, you probably will never trust him and when he finds out he will never trust you. . Bad deal all over. . Only one way to try to recover from it, tell him the truth and discuss it, other then that,well stop invading others privacy.
  • Whoah. That is awful. Just ask him how he's feeling about the relationship.

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