• I could find better ways of spending our money. Finding life on other planets is stupid in my opinion. No cost is justified for any kind of space exploration.
  • I don't think gaining knowledge is ever a waste, so yes, space exploration justifies the cost.
  • No because we haven't gone to the moon in over 3 decades. If Hollywood's making remakes, then it's time for Nasa to make a remake of the moon landing. Because it's gotten boring just looking at launches, we need to jazz it up so people will get interested in space exploration again.
  • Exploration is costly at first but then the cost goes down as the technology is refined. It has always been worth it.
  • I think that a lot of that money could be better spent right here on Earth.
  • I think so. The money spent does not go zipping off into space. It goes into the paychecks and pockets of engineers, technicians, support staff, vendors of wire, tools, optical lenses, medical supply manufacturers, and tens of thousands of other professions. They use this money to pay their employees who use it to raise their families, pay the dentist, the grocery, dry cleaner and gas station. This is something that returns the money we pay in taxes. It goes back into circulation and every one of us benefit through more employment, and ultimately by new and improved technology.

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