• To be perfectly honest about it. Males are designed mentally and physically for many sexual partners. The penis is shaped the way it it and sex is performed the way it is to "suck out" the semen of potential last couplings before he ejaculates. Monogamy and marriage are artificial constructs we humans have made having nothing to do with our physical design or how our species survived and breed for thousands if not millions of years. Many men can overcome their drives and not act on them, or they take matters to hand... or they just look but do not touch. The fact remains that most men do yearn for a little extra on the side a few answer the call. Being caught he most likely will stop... for now. Is it an addition? No more than breathing - it may be that he has a more powerful "call of nature" than other men, or maybe he thought he could get away with answering the call and did for a few years until now. People do things against better judgment all the time - when they get away with it once they will often return to doing what ever it is again, and again each time the risk of getting caught may increase but to them the risk decreases until one day they are caught. Once caught they change their ways....
  • Guys like variety. We don't like to eat the same meal for dinner every single night in a row for the next fifty or more years. Like it or not, and this has nothing to do with you personally, the man needs to have a little spice in his life now and again. Go let him have his jollies. Make sure he's smart and wears protection, but get yourself checked anyway. If possible, keep track of his straying for future reference and posterity as it can be used as a good bargaining chip for divorce/alimony/child support/or even to make him let you go off and bang some young gym stud when you get your chance to get even, lol! Good luck and happy fucking! hahahaaa!
  • OMG these two obviously guys are idiots as for Athrael if men were meant for many partners then so are women. What a douche !!!! And if people like this give examples of the animal world to back up their beleifs then they should know a good many clever animals are wholy and soley monogomous. IDIOTS!!! And as for "BJ Cummings" well i just feel sorry for this sad little piece of excrement. You don't think women might like variety too? The differernce is we have evolved unlike a sad percentage of men. We love variety but when we love, and when we make a vow we keep it. We are TRUE to our word. I feel sorry for both you boys. But to you annonymous, I am going through something similar, married 14 years 3 children, one with serious disability and I have'nt confronted him yet because I don't want to break up my childrens family. My heart is aching. I only found out 2 days ago and haven't slept or eaten in days. He acts so loving and concerned for my health regarding this but regarding bringing home an STD he obviously has no issues with that. In answer to your question. It's not about you it's about him. He is deficient in some way. It would not matter what you do.What matters, is what he does from now. I am planning how to approach my husband about this myself but I want to be smart about it because obviously he is a terrific liar. Good luck and please know that in this relationship you are the star. Do they really think it's easy to find a truely loving partner if you leave. NOT BLOODY LIKELY.
  • Men and women cheat for many different personal reasons. Can he stop? yes, will he stop? probably not. Why do you still want to be with him when he has been sleeping around behind your back for 5 years? I would strongly suggest you go get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Men cheat because they're trying to fill a void that is not being met in their primary relationship. The cheating fulfills the need for excitement, the numbing of pain, and the need to be wanted. This is not an excuse to cheat, but only a sad fact. I should know!

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