i have about 15 cats 3 fish, a bunny and a horse so yea and 3 cats that live in my house cause i live on a farm so i got to keep those mice away with my kitties
Right now, I have 2 cats, 2 doves and my daughter has a dog.
4 dogs in the house 1 cat outside but I feed & pretty much take care of 6 more dogs in my neighborhood plus 12 cats that has been dropped off at my work place & the local car wash.
At one time I had, 3 dogs outside, one inside. Two iguanas a pair of parakeets and two ferretts.
I bred fancy guppies for awhile; at one point I had maybe 350-400 of them. I also had about 40 miscellaneous tropical fish in other tanks.
I have 2 cat and 12 fish
Growing up I had a dog, a cat and an ant several thousand I'm guessing:) Now, I just have my dog.
The most "pets" we've had at a time was aeound 30, but about 25 of them where foster cats/kittens that we were hosting. (I don't know what we were thinking)
2 dogs 3 cats 6 fish 1 baby shark 1 baby alligator 3 rabbits 2 turtles 4 hamsters 4 birds 1 rat 3 parrots 8 cacaroches 3 spiders 3 snakes and michael jackson....j/p about him
like 2 summers ago all of my sibligs moved back home and brought their animals we had a zoo. 6 cats 3 dogs 4 birds and 6 adult humans all living in a 3bdrm ranch style house. It was crazy!
i have 1 hamster 1 jack russell puppy 2 gold fish 16 tropical fish 1 bearded dragon 1 turtle 20 odd pond fish 2 cats 6 stick insects not alot really im gettin another hamster tommorow.
I have 3 dogs, 1 cat, 12 fish and 25 chickens which are only going to be pets until they are ready for the freezer.
Well, Its Right Now: A Dog,Maltese/Poodle-Nikki A Dog,Chiuahua-Chanel A Dog,German Shepard-Daisy A Dog,German Shepard-Duke A Dog,Sheltie-Dallas A Dog,Sheltie-Cowboy A Cat-Gracie A Cat-Sterlin A Cat-Perdieda A Bird,Cockatiel-Sunshine A Bearded Dragon-O'Kita A Bearded Dragon-Phoenix I Probably Have The Most Pets Here!! :D
2 dogs 1 cat 5 horses 1 bearded dragon a fish tank with apx.15 pish. 1 quaker parrot 3 cockatiels 5 budgies 2 bunnies 1 snake all live in my house...except for the horses lol
We've had four dogs, 12 cats, dozens of parrots and birds plus outside animals like goats, horses, chickens, geese, and everything else, all at the same time.
right now 2 chickens 1 cockrel 3 geckos 1 rainbow lizard 1 bosc monitor 1 bearded dragon 1 dog
My mom loved cats when I was younger. We had seven of them and a dog. Few died others she gave away because she had a fulltime job and felt that she had to give them a warm nice home because she wasnt home all the time. When I was nine I got my first real pet. (goldfishes just do not count for me.) It was a rat. After that one died I got two rats, my mom bought another one because I told her they would kill her because no one would buy her. That was fun, so I had three rats. That was the most. After that I have only bought two everytime. My husband likes them too.
Three black cats. Meow.
Well as a youngster living in Florida my dad basically had a small petting zoo on out property. Local schools would come to our place for field trips. From what I can remember we had: 6 Horses 1 Cow 1 Pig 1 Spider Monkey 20+ Chickens 10+ Ducks 5 Guineas 1 Peacock 5 Guinea Pigs 20+ Gerbils 2 Indigo Snakes 4 Box Turtles Koi Pond with numerous Koi. At the present time I have: 4 Dogs 1 Cat 2 Ball Pythons 3 Anoles 3 Rats Numerous fish in 2 - 40 gallon tanks.
3 dogs, 3 birds, and 2 kittens. it was a mess lol +3
Right now! 4 Dobies and 2 "ankle-biters"!
A female cat and a litter of about six kittens.
128, not including things like fish. I don't remember the exact count. Largely made up for birds of various sorts from finches to parrots and rabbits. Along with a handful of cats. 2 dogs, 4 reptiles, 2 turtles, hamsters, some ducks...
Eighteen birds and one 110 pound Red Bone hound. In the morning it sounded like the Amazon forest.
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