• Yes, two unmarried adults can enter into what I would call a "business agreement/insurance policy", to help ensure the financial well being of your partnership. Unmarried people come into a relationship with assets and you may acquire material things during your time together. So, even if you don't choose to get married, you are still entering into an emotional, physical, and financial union. An attorney or even a para-legal can assist you in drawing up your agreement and having it properly notarized. Another thing you might consider is "Power of Attorney for Health Care", in the event that something may happen to either one of you. If this is not signed, your partner has no legal status should decisions have to be made regarding your care.
  • This is one of the fallacies of the argument for gay marriage. Anyone can enter into a legally binding contract to do anything they desire provided it is not an illegal activity. You can enter into a contract the specifies that someone to whom you are not related by blood or marriage is your heir, has visitation rights should you be hospitalized, has the right to make life or death decisions should you be incapacitated. In effect, you can write and enter into a contract that gives the individuals all of the same rights and authority as a spouse without actually being married.
  • You can, but there would be no point in doing so. A pre-nuptial agreement is used to waive some of the legal presumptions that exist upon divorce. For example, in every state a spouse is entitled to a share of earnings acquired during the marriage by the opposing spouse. A pre-nuptial could be used to override this. However, there is nothing to override if you are not married. Whether you sign an agreement or not, your significant other would not be entitled to any of your wages because you are not married.
  • Of course they can sign an agreement. But, the question you should be asking is whether it is enforceable. It depends on a lot of things, including state law and whether the contract is otherwise enforceable. All 3 of the above answers make valid points. If you have the funds, there are lawyers specializing in gay and lesbian rights that do a lot of that stuff.
  • They sure can ! Make sure to get it NOTARIZED or have an attorney draw it up ... +5
  • It varies from state to state,but you should be able to have a lawyer draw up a property agreement similar to a business partnership. +4

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