• There is one particular movie that I had in mind. It's called The Pianist. This movie is about a Jew family trying to escape to safety from the Hallocaust in WWII. The main character, who plays the piano at a local restuarant, is confronted with a adventure full of challenges, making life threathing and split-second decisions during WWII.
  • Here are a few of my favorites Brighton Beach Memoirs Avalon Schindlers List Life is beautiful Jacob the Liar Yentel The Jazz singer
  • "The Chosen": Rod Steiger, Robby Benton, Max Schell, (others I am ashamed I can't remember) great film.
  • There are so many movies either starring people who are Jewish or have Jewish characters or are about Jewish themes, it's hard to know just what you mean. Let's start with "The Ten Commandments", an epic production. "Schindler's List" and "The Diary of Anne Frank" are two great films about the horrors befalling Jews during WWII. Neil Simon's plays that have gone to the screen, like "Brighton Beach Memoirs" and "Biloxi Blues" are about the experiences of Jewish Americans and their contribution to American culture. "Yentl" with Barbra Streisand gives a glimpse into Jewish culture. "Fiddler on the Roof", the fabulous musical, is about Russian Jews being evicted from their homes and their country during the pogroms. It's heart-rending, robust and tragic all at once.
  • Not really "Jewish" books or movies, but "Kings Go Forth"(The Young Lions), "Winds of War", and "War and Remembrance", by Herman Wouk.
  • "Exodus", Leon Uris
  • They all are. They "own" Hollywood ;)
  • "Raid on Entebby" (Sword of Gideon)

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