Didn't you ever see Stephen King's Cat's Eye? Get yourself a good old fashioned cat and let the cat kick some ass on the little bastard.
Ignore them..they feed on attention and die when ignored. :)
Poke a needle in the area between their vagina and their testicles.
You can't kill them. When you pay attention to them you only make them stronger.
Tie it to a chair and fix its computer where it constantly scrolls through the questions and answers. Without the ability to downrate, they will shrivel up and blow away.
Aww, let 'em go.. they only bother you if you let them!
Send the biggest billygoat you got. LOL no I found if you ignore them they have nothing to feed from and will go away.
Best way is to ignore them. If you feed them, they'll become hungry for more attention. If you leave them alone, they'll soon go away.
Poison dart in the butt as they retreat into the damp darkness of their hideaway.
Weeds need water to thrive. Don't water.
well depending on the kind of troll soap and water for some, they don't like being clean, sunshine for others the don't like the light, and surprisingly just plain old rain they don't like getting wet and they just melt away if they do ... ~Nemo~
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