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  • I'm new but curious, what was it like in the old days?
  • Depends on what you mean by old days. I've only been here 6 months, but it seems to have undergone a dumbing-down as of late. I used to answer every question on the homepage, now I hit maybe 2 or 3, the rest are pure mind-fluff it seems.
  • the perennial nostalgic question, it was better then than it is now!
  • Sometimes... I enjoy AB anyways... there is a bit more fluff now than there used to be... But I am okay with that. It makes those zingers all the more special.
  • Yes, me too. I really miss old friends here and many other baggers too. -
  • What I missed most were the animated avatars. I never experienced any slowing down as a result of them like the AB staff claims to be one reason why they don't get animated on the homepage anymore. I used to use some really funny and cool ones, not it's just and image. There weren't even 50 times as many congratulatory questions which even the simplest one, the asker can tap it for an easy 100 points. I only have 2 100 point questions and it took months for them to get that way. There have been a lot of positive advancements too in the technology department.
  • I do. :( I miss the conversations people had and all the members that are no longer here, like Auntie Em and Napoleonbag... it no longer seems to have the same feeling.
  • Yes I do. When I first joined here, it was so much fun. Firebrand, Carmella, Eli, McClister, Lady Fuschia, Stabelboy, you should all remember the good ol' days. What I also miss is being so excited to see AnswerBag 4.0 That was quite fun. Back then, AnswerBag was less tense than now. No moderation debate, and all that.
  • Yes and no. Of course my good old days go waaaaaaaaaaay back, so nobody I mention is still around.

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