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  • Your friend has issues and needs serious help. Think about it. If it was a guy who said he was obsessed with naked girls and spies on them, How freaky is that? It goes the same with girls.
  • I would have to agree with YOU and NOT your friend. Spying on guys and wanting to see them naked all the time is too dramatic and weird. I would rather just meet someone and get to know them, not automatically see them naked or even care about that right from the start.
  • It really depends on the girl-some like seeing guys naked some don't but dont worry at least when she's caught nobody will get mad just ask something like "was it big enough for you"
  • It's normal for girls to like looking at naked guys. It's human natrue. But spying can get her in serious trouble one day. I suggest that she satisfy her "needs" by looking in magazines or on the internet. Safely, of course.
  • i dont think that is ok realy that is wrong i think she has a problem and i thinnk you do care other whys you would not have asked.
  • I have been spied on twice (that I know of). 1) I can't say with 100% certainty but I've notice my female neighbor going slowly down her driveway when I'm in the shower... there's a window in my bathroom with vertical blinds. I swear she's looking at me, but I really can't tell for sure. 2) Once when I was cat-sitting at a friend's condo, I was staying there for a week, and I took baths/shower in the downstairs bathroom, which had a window that I couldn't close blinds all the way because of a lot of plants. It was night and the likelihood was slim that anyone was walking by. Well, so I thought. Turned out my friend's neighbor was keeping an eye on me while I was there that week and made videos of me showering/bathing! My friend ended up telling me about it. I told her I wasn't mad so that she'd show me the videos. I did feel weird about it... but I wasn't furious. It was flattering to have been watched. I was embarassed to sit and watch the videos with my friend but I wanted to see them. Something about just knowing what the videos featured. Just knowing there was a video was too much to wonder about. BTW, she must have been standing right outside the window!
  • I am all about the personality and character of a man. I mean there obviously has to be some sexual attraction, but I know I have a lot of friends male and female that is all they look at is the outside of a person. Its kind of sad. I have always told them. " The looks will only last so long. Will you still enjoy that person's looks when they are 50 and began to wrinkle and sag? But a person personality and character will last forever."
  • How old are you guys? When I was younger, we had pool parties every summer. We found a way to see into the pool house from the outside of the fence, so we watched the boys change out of their swimming trunks a lot... But if you guys are like 30...
  • I'm attracted to both (or all) facets of a man. What's on the inside AND what's on the outside. I am not attracted to being a peeping Jane to get my kicks. That's what the internet is for.

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