• Time is the only factor that will prove that you deserve another chance and then it is ultimately dependant upon the grace of the other person!
  • Yes I believe so but it will take alot of work and honesty from both people.
  • Personally, once someone has done something to betray my trust its VERY hard (near impossible) to regain my trust. There's always doubts in the back of my mind.
  • Only by being trustworthy. Consistently. There is no guarantee that someone will trust you, and you cannot expect that. One has to trust oneself. That is most important, in my opinion.
  • My trust is earnt and freely given but when it's gone, that's it - check out - no more trust :)
  • The ancient Hindu texts say that losing of trust is due to inconsistencies in mind. They can be improved with meditation and Yoga. I know some cases where it worked.
  • never, i love my boyfriend but don't trust him with my feelings.
  • Forgiveness and redemption
  • How can someone love and distrust some one at the same time?
  • Truthfully, you will never regain some one's trust to the level that it was before you broke trust. That isn't to say that you can't mend things just that you can't go back in time to the place where that person was innocent of your ability to deceive them and never dreamed that you would hurt them. So you can regain trust, just not the absolute kind. The only way to rebuild that trust is to acknowledge what you destroyed with your actions, honestly apologize without excuse and be 100% trustworthy from then on. Oh yeah, and suffer through as many bouts of doubt as the person you harmed must go through. In other words, no "that was a long time ago, can't you just get over it" avoidance.
  • The worst thing is - i've also been there - due to a REAL misunderstanding - my husband is algerian, i am south african... language barrier... he has never been able to trust me... i have tried everything, been consistent in the way i am... and still no luck. TAKE THIS ADVICE: Trust - once broken - can NEVER be repaired... no matter how long you try. The distrusting party will always have doubts. Get out before your life is consumed by its fury. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE - i almost died.
  • it will take time and lots of proof to be able to gain my trust back after its been lost.

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